Chapter 2 Part 6 Late for my day-te

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My mind switched off right after that thought.

When I woke up, I was already late for school sigh. That did not stop me from running around my room and in the shower. Getting dressed and grabbing my bag to run to school.

Maybe everyone thought I was off today. My grandmother was already outside, always busy with something. I greeted and ran past her. School was not too far from home, but the only gate was on the other side unless you wanted to jump the fence and have some detention time.

I was running too fast to even consider stopping and jumping the fence. When I got to the gate few students were standing in front of a locked gate. I saw the principal walking towards the gate with keys in his hand.

One day you are on top of the world, the next you are locked out and begging for a second chance. I was listening to the excuses standing at the back.

Principal: You guys have no discipline and the only punishment is detention.

Students: Sir please, we are very sorry.

Principal: Sorry is an excuse made up by manipulators.

I moved through the students to get to the front line to see the principal. I did not say a word, but the moment our eyes connected, he took the keys and unlocked the gate with no further communication. Everyone ran past him, worried he might change his mind. It was still the first period. Most of them knew this was only the first gate to victory, depending on the teacher you have to go face.

The type of student you are saves you from a lot of anguish in this school. Most of the smart students, or should I say repeat offenders, knew not to even go to that first class if they were late. It would be straight detention. Instead, we would skip the first class and just go to the second period.

While everyone ran to their respective classes, the principal signaled me to follow him to his office. I tried to explain my late coming, but he just kept walking. Upon entering his office, he went to his desk. Everything seemed formal.

Principal: Simon, you saved me the trouble of going past classes to look for you. The school would like to offer you a sponsor for your studies after school, but you have to give the same results next year.

He handed me a letter before I could respond.

Principal: Let me walk you to your next class.

Simon: Thank you and no thank you. You will destroy the reputation I have accumulated until now, Sir.

Principal: Do not let that reputation destroy you. Stay focused.

I took one last look at the well-setup office as I excused myself. Such attention to detail. There goes the bell right on schedule. There was no need to look at the timetable it was all in my head.

Mathematics time with my chess teacher. He would sometimes let us play chess when work was up to date. Some students always say they love this subject or that one. The secret is the love for a specific teacher that brings about the love for a certain subject.

Chapter 2 completed

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