"Will you stop being so sour? I broke up with you a month ago, get over it!" She screams after you.

"Are you that far removed from reality Alexia? You think a MONTH heals your heart from being crushed?" You shoot back, in disbelief at her lack of knowledge of feelings.

"Dios mío Y/n, I hope you find peace for yourself" She tells you calmly, feelings spilling into her voice despite her attempt at composure.

"You do know that a new girlfriend ain't going to fill the void right? She's not going to love you like I do, like I did, she's not going to be there for you like I was. When you realize that, you will come crawling back to me." You spit back at her, equal amount of emotion in your voice as in hers.

When you turn away from her this time, you actually walk away from her and to your car, driving away from her and the argument.

That evening is spent drowning your sorrows in ice cream and Alexia's old very expensive wine. She wouldn't miss it, she's got 1000 other things to worry about.

Foolishly, in your drunken stupor you decided that it was a brilliant idea to agree to a night out with the team...including Alexia.

The anticipation of that Sunday night created a lump of anxiety that sat uncomfortably in your stomach, growing like a balloon being blown up until it fully consumed you.

Foot tapping against the floor, you check your watch for the umpteenth time, fingers starting to fiddle with the buttons on your shirt. You were sure that the loose button would manage to come off before Pina and Patri would pull up, the two planning on getting drunk beyond recognition.

Sucking your teeth, you accidentally bite down on your tongue when you hear the loud noise of the car's horn.

"HOLA Y/N" Patri shouts in your face directly after you've sat down in the backseat, the young girl reeking of alcohol.

"Someone's already started the party, ey?" You get out through a hesitant chuckle, Pina meeting your eyes through the rearview mirror.

Without much fuss, you all get to the venue, though the ball of pure anxiety was settling in your throat uncomfortably. The confidence you had only days ago was long gone, nervous picking at your fingers showcasing that.

When you stepped foot in that bar, the smell of alcohol and far too strong perfume hit your nose, overwhelming all your senses.

Yet everything seems to calm as soon as you catch sight of your ex, simply put she looked out of this world.

No, you tell yourself, I can't think of her like that anymore.

"Y/n/n let's go to the bar, I need something to drink!" Pina close to shouts directly into your ear, the young girl clutching onto your right arm like her life depended on it.

You let yourself be pulled along by the two younger girls, setting your body down in one of the barstools, Pina and Patri each hanging off your shoulders. They each order their drinks, waiting for you to do the same.

"Just a coke please" The bartender sent you a quick wink before moving away, Thing 1 and Thing 2 ohhhh-ing loudly.

"Your drinks ladies!" The pretty bartender hands you the glasses, your coke still in its glass container. Before you leave to join your friends, the woman slides you a piece of paper, her number written on it.

The blush stays on your face all the way until you reach the large table, ready to put your bottle down on the table. It seems like a certain someone was waiting for you to rid yourself off it before pulling you away from the rest.

"Hey, leave me alone!" You shout, not having seen the face of your perpetrator, but the nails digging into your arm gave you a slight indication as to who it was.

Next thing you know, you're being pushed up against a wall, familiar lips locking with your own. Alexia presses her body up against yours tightly, leaving as small of a space between your bodies as she could.

Pulling your lips away from hers, you quickly wipe your sticky lips.

"Alexia, what are you doing?" The absolute disbelief in your voice makes her look at you like you were stupid.

"I saw how that fucking bartender was hitting on you, I had to send her a message. Only I belong with you and only you amor" She's got a smug smirk on her face, looking back at the stunned bartender.

"No, Alexia, you broke up with me. You don't get to do that because we're not together anymore, I am not yours Alexia. I can date and fuck whoever I want, and you can't do anything about that and it's your fault."

Walking away from her, like you'd done only days before, she once again calls out for you.

"You were right, she wasn't like you. I have no explanation for why I did what I did, but I just want to apologise, it wasn't...fair of me." Her pauses between some of the words show how she's truly trying her best to apologise.

"I want you back Y/n" You couldn't even lie to her, say that you didn't want to get back together, because it was the only thing you'd been thinking about these last few weeks.

Sighing, you look at your watch, before taking her hand and pulling her out of the doors. The cold evening air nips at your skin as you start to talk.

"You broke me Ale, and it's going to take awhile to make up for that. If we're getting back together then it's on my terms, okay?" Alexia nods vigorously, she'd clearly do anything to get you back.

"Can I kiss you?" The timidness in her voice has you close to awwww-ing, leaning back against the brickwall while Alexia leans against the railing parallel to you.

Her intense gaze stays on you as you rest your head back against the cold hardened clay, exhaling through slightly chapped lips. The cloud that forms in the air presents the contrast between the warmth of your body and the cold of the night.

"That's all I want" This time your lips lock in a calm dance, all the feelings of sorrow and longing being expressed in a single kiss.

"How about we get out of here?" Her hands lay flat against your chest, fiddling slightly with the material of your shirt. A slight chuckle escapes you, making Alexia look up at you through her eyelashes.

"Oh, amor I'm driving Thing 1 and Thing 2 home. I promised them I'd stay over at their place and take care of them after." You kiss her hairline as she herself chuckles.

Wrapping your arms around her waist, she places her head on your chest, the vibrations of the tune you were humming sending her heart into overdrive.

"But we could stay out here for a while instead, I like having you back in my arms." The only response you get is a kiss pressed to the column of your neck.

It would take a while for Alexia to get you back, it didn't matter if it took 10 days or 10 years, as long as she got you back. 

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