Chapter 4.2.1: Nih's Tale

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As Nih inquired about my anxiety, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the harrowing events unfolding around us. Dyaldic's brush with death, Yeshia's unwavering heroism, and Jan's miraculous survival weighed heavily on my mind. The intricacies of the past, narrated in the span of a single night's sleep, felt like an eternity compressed into mere moments. Life had surged forward over twelve years, yet I remained an outsider to those experiences. Nih's presence served as a beacon of solace, his words imbued with wisdom and sincerity. His unfiltered perspective offered a refreshing clarity, free from the bias of personal opinion or emotion. In him, I found a trusted ally whose guidance I cherished beyond measure.

In the midst of reflection and consolidation, a surge of determination welled within me, fueled by the desire to confront Clent head-on. "That asswipe! Where's Clent?" I exclaimed, frustration boiling over at the thought of his manipulations and machinations. The urge to confront him and challenge his authority burned fiercely within me, igniting a firestorm of resolve to stand against the tyranny over me he represented.

Nih's words cut through the heat of my anger, prompting a moment of introspection. His astute observation struck a chord within me, forcing me to confront my own emotions and motivations. As I shot him a piercing glare, he raised his arms in surrender, acknowledging the intensity of my gaze. "Woah now, I'm not your adversary," he remarked, his tone laced with caution. "Start with Jan. If you can sway him to surrender, then I'll divulge Clent's whereabouts," he added, his challenge hanging in the air, a testament to the formidable task ahead.

As Nih issued his challenge, he seemed to overlook the unique connection between Jan and me, a bond that transcended mere skills like Fed. Surprised by the unexpected loss of Fed, I couldn't help but wonder about its significance. Nonetheless, I sensed Jan's essence, our connection pulsating with familiarity. In response to Nih's proposition, I conveyed my emotions mentally to Jan, receiving his nonchalant reply, "Nah, I won't spar against you on serious terms, but I'm game for practical ones." His casual demeanor belied the depth of our understanding, reaffirming the strength of our bond amidst the unfolding challenges.

With Jan's surrender confirmed, I turned to Nih, firm in my demand for answers. His acquiescence seemed fitting, a recognition of the shift in dynamics. Observing him now, I couldn't help but notice the transformation he had undergone. He exuded a newfound aura of grandeur and experience, his demeanor commanding respect and attention. His eyes bore an intensity that seemed to pierce through to the very core of one's soul, leaving an indelible impression of his formidable presence.

As Nih proposed a break before delving into the tale of the OverSighters, I nodded in agreement. With a sigh, I ascended into the sky, intending to explore the city's changes and the expanse of the desert before returning. Yet, Jan's will interjected, restricting my range to the confines of the castle. Though reluctant, I acquiesced to his wishes, sensing a deeper understanding behind his directive. Nih's knowing smile suggested that he anticipated my compliance, further underscoring the intricate dynamics at play within our group.

As I returned from my solo exploration, I sensed a shift in the atmosphere within the castle. Random strangers exuded respect while certain individuals seemed to deliberately avoid me. Despite the mixed reactions, my tour proved delightful, indulging in tasty foods reminiscent of Earth.

"Hi!" greeted a dragon-newt woman, her kind demeanor juxtaposed against her noticeable pregnancy. Despite her amiable disposition, I couldn't shake the feeling that she sought something from me. I waved in acknowledgment as she effortlessly kept pace with my airborne journey through the castle halls, her agility piquing my curiosity. Was she a guardian or affiliated with the OverSighters?

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