Chapter 0.5 - Soulmate's Apprehension pt2

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I was Reincarnated as an ANT!, Vol. 2

Chapter 0.5: Soulmate's Apprehension

"Wait-what do you mean?"(Jan)

"Let me finish! If you're enslaved that would also apply to your bond and like wise, if your bond is named, that would also apply to you. A sure way to change that would be to name it. This would ensue less options of influence over yourselves." (Nih)

He would cross his arms as Jan had sat down looking at me, knowing that was a no-no from me. I didn't consider him someone to name me, it felt weird. "He seems reluctant to allow me to give him a name." (Jan Laughs)

"Well, adding a [Magical Contract] would be best for both you right now. The sooner the better. Jan you're no longer a mere person in this world now. You've got the [Hero's Egg] and a blessing from the Divine. Clearly the Gods see something in you since you bonded with it. Further meaning your Bond is really important and very special than...myself or anyone here. How lucky. I do envy you but don't worry am not selfish like that..." (Nih Laugh).

Awkwardly as the faces of everyone looking sketchy at Nih gave me the indication that he could be very much able to attempt it. He was eying me with a hidden hunger as his snakes did too. He would turn away and cough to clear his thought to change the mood. 'What happened when I evolved? By the way do humans Evolve?'

Jan turning to me as he would tilt his head in confusion then suddenly remembering I wasn't a human. "Sorry, he had a question team. I tend to forget his isn't a monster someone times and thought he knew common knowledge of humans don't 'Evolve' per say. We simply upgrade our stats as a enforced process of Magical and Aura grows upon leveling. (Nih almost interrupts) However! Upon reaching level 60, we do Evolve once and then continue the process once more. Only a handful in history have made it beyond the second human evolution. Apparently, one of the [Demon-Lords] in the other continent was once a normal human but they evolved into [Primordial Human]! Known to be the last evolution of a human. By a handful I mean, only 2 have got there. In total of humans that have made it past 1st evolution, have been 7. The number goes down from there as each evolved step there are less. In total 7 to 4, then 1, and finally the current Demon-lord of the west continent. It's just the experience gap is massive and requires a lot more than what would be possible." (Jan would smile as he would pet me.)
"How long was I 'gone' while I was evolving?" I'd ask as I would leap on his head which he seemed pleased by. While others seemed peacefully enjoying our interactions, minus Nih who was canning something with his hungry eyes on me. I simply choose to ignore him. After all, ignorance is bliss sometimes. In the moment, our leader would take out a scroll that glowed with magical inscription of sorts as he read it then suddenly exiting, "I have to go, the Guild had requested a summon for the team leaders in the village." (Dyaldic)

With the rest of the team acknowledging this, Yeshia would suddenly suggest we grab breakfast as Jan would explain to me that it had been a month! Shocked by the flow of time while I was shedding my only skin as I evolved seemed to be enormous! "We had thought something was wrong, your [SP] was dropping by day. I was...very worried. Well let's forget-"

"Oh? You were just worried huh, hehe~" (Yeshia)
Teasingly as she lead us down the stairs as he turned red embarrassed by the intent she gave off that gave me enough insight on how troubled he was by it. In the meantime, as they ordered the meals and something for me, I was starving in the meantime too. So they spent quite a lot that they appeared broke, they were struggling money wise as a group, their funds were limited. There was so much for me to learn now. The communication link was a true blessing, my life as a house pet was over. I wanted to travel the word! 'Is it normal for monsters to take that long to evolve?'
"No! For you not at all. You're a lesser creature. Let me explain." (Yeshia to me after Jan had relayed my thoughts to her as he didn't know the answer completely)

I was Reincarnated as an Ant! Vol.2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant