Chapter 01 - Dungeon Twins!

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I was Reincarnated as an ANT!, Vol. 2

Chapter 01: Dungeon Twins!



"So how do you guys use Skill points?" (Aed)

A long pause as they were still caught in thought that Jan would quickly wave me off. Mother**** excuse me! 'You did not!'

Latching onto his leg to bite him, he'd yelp in in pain as he answered me, "ouch! Stop okay okay, listen; nothing in this world can use skill points the way you do, except maybe [Divine-Beasts] or [Gods/Goddess], so you're on the same near level as them. That's why it freaked us out. Like have always been able to? Why did-never mind, you were in a phase." (Jan)

"I was in a phase, I simply didn't understand you and you never had the patience to try and communicate to me. Always nagging about taming me and such. So you guys done?" (Aed)

"Urm, honestly. You're quite weak, yet so strong. I can see why your threat level is confusing. I can put pace you but with the skills you have, you can possibly one-kill me if I let my guard down for a second. You have Magions instead of Magicules manipulation! Magic is made of them, I understand magic manipulation, but even Magicules means you can in theory use any magic and on top of being a magical beast you don't need to attain the three pillars to use magic. Furthermore, Magions being the further step within Magicules...anyways; Appraisal at level 9! Wow. She can't even see much yet you can if you wanted to. Thank heavens you didn't use it on us. Listen, it is harmful to the soul that's getting scanned. You can kill something with it, the weaker the soul the easier to scan therefore harness its core essence to valuate! Good heavens, don't forget that. Now I doubt it will kill anything that's not new born or anything as such but if used like hundreds times on something, then yes. One way to know if your soul is attacked and weakened is by the stats displaying 1/3 of their values. The stronger the skill the most it can do." (Nih)

"When I did scan you, don't worry. It didn't do as much influence. I'd have to use it a thousand times on you to have that effect, by then you might even resist it. Moreover, your stats have improved a lot when you got named. You were in three digits for the most part now you have some in four digits too! I guess you're thankful to Jan." (Yeshia)

"His actually feeling indifferent..." (Jan)

"Well, anyways...he now has SP recovery! How?? Oh nevermind, must be really good having Skill points access..."(Yeshia)

With the nods of everyone simply conceding to the fact. They would hear footsteps, at this point it was afternoon. Thank you, [Chronos]! I had time now, this meant my world could be given appointments and such. I was coming up in the world of modern standards. Furthermore, having my [Numerical] skill too, I had seconds! Not just hours, it was truly in synchronized with it. I guess that's why it was cheap too. Suddenly the door would launch open as our esteemed leader was back. His meeting was over but his grave expression told us something otherwise, his glare to Jan as he gestured for him only to meet him outside, only to pause the moment Jan got close to him outside the door, just before shutting the door, "...did you get stronger or something!"

My link to Jan gave me a flint idea it wasn't good, as the others leaned on the door, "can you tell us what is happening to Jan?" (Nih)

"The connection, one I have with him isn't the same as telepath, I cannot personally know his thoughts if he doesn't want me to just the same way he cannot if I don't him to." That whole speech took 80% of my mana! That's just how bad, it was to use [Telepathy] right now. Knowing this they would simply nod and wait as I felt the emotions, Jan had kept me out of his surface level thoughts by concealing himself inwards. The connection gave us a sort of tunnel to each other's minds, akin to whispering in a tunnel versus shouting in it. Moments or rather 10 minutes later they would enter looking grim as a weather of bad news was bound to wreck the place. "I'll tell everyone. That's the choice I believe in, and ultimately it lays with Aed to decide. One of the Nobles of the land have came down here to find their 'missing' Magical Beast, namely speaking, you Aed. Did you lying and not tell me or anyone that you belonged to someone?" (Jan)

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