Chapter - Cont. (Extended)

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Reaching the Mansion, the crowd of people gathered outside as the private mercenaries kept them out. Nih's father was a big shot in the city, so we were able to simply not get into so much trouble after what had happened however, as we were guided to our stay. His father was rather not pleased as he called him to side. I had gotten better at read pheromones that I understood that he was a friend to us yet he was scared of something. Jan was as always oblivious to the current situation, yet he was...rather different. Had he grown up?

I couldn't explain it, I saw him not as a kid anymore rather a man. He was changing, he wasn't aloof anymore even as oblivious as he was. He was keen on addressing other people with an authority that he had never shown before. The servants he showed respect to also spoke firmly with him. He was talking in a manner of intelligence that I wondered if it was the same Jan. Moreover, he had the aggressive attitude to anyone who approached me.

I stayed quiet as I watched the scenes, soon he'd gesture I stay put with a sense of urgency that prompted me to obey! This compelling force was alien to me. So this was the choice I made now: I was tamed in retrospect. Jan was definitely not the same, he moved towards a rich noble man as they spoke only to step forward them into their personal space dominating the 'conversation' of whispers they were having, trying to pry into his heart only resulted to be blocked. 'Oh? I'm now the one blocked off?' It didn't matter, I could read his pheromones, and others to get a glimpse of the conversations.

In the meantime, I felt a pull that was weaker than before within me. Yet somehow, I knew it wasn't like before, 'you've blocked me' I'd hear a unconsciously low voice as if the presence was near, yet within me. I was scared but unable to detect the slightest if it again. I didn't understand, how did I block it!

Amidst the unfolding mysteries, Jan's negotiations with the nobleman escalated. The air crackled with tension as their silent struggle continued. It became evident that Jan had entered a realm of influence beyond the ordinary, a world where power was wielded through unspoken gestures and concealed intentions.

I watched, torn between fascination and trepidation, as Jan skillfully navigated the intricate dance of power dynamics. His eyes betrayed a deep understanding of the hidden rules governing this society. The rich nobleman, initially resistant, began to yield to Jan's persuasive tactics. It was as if Jan possessed an innate ability to unravel the intricacies of human interaction, a skill I had never witnessed before.

Meanwhile, the mysterious force within me lingered, the voice growing more insistent. "Why have you silenced me?" it murmured, a haunting echo that resonated within my mind. I struggled to comprehend how I had inadvertently become a barrier to this enigmatic presence. The fear intensified, mingling with the uncertainty of the unfolding events.

Jan, sensing my internal turmoil, cast a concerned glance in my direction. It was a subtle acknowledgment of the shifting dynamics around us. As the negotiations concluded, Jan returned, his demeanor retaining a newfound gravity. "We need to talk," he said, his words laden with significance.

We retreated to a quieter corner of the mansion, away from prying eyes and attentive ears. Jan began unraveling the intricacies of the recent changes within him. As he delved into his newfound abilities, my mind raced to grasp the magnitude of our situation.

Yet, amidst the revelations, the persistent voice within me grew louder. "Release me," it implored, the urgency sending shivers down my spine. Jan, too, seemed affected, glancing around as if sensing the unseen presence. "What is that?"

"It's an evil god. Don't worry, he tried to use me, but I've beat him to the punch" I'd say to Jan as he understood my truth.

Our fates intertwined with forces beyond our control, and the journey ahead seemed daunting. Jan and I stood at the precipice of a world hidden in plain sight, where power, mystique, and the unknown converged. The mansion's opulent halls held the key to unraveling the mysteries that entwined our destinies, propelling us into a realm where every step could reshape the balance of unseen forces. For the time, we would hunker down away from the masses, as we awaited to get our old friends back together again.

"Jan." I'd call him.

"What bug?" He'd say, as he'd smile.

"If ever a time comes, and I'm a monster everyone fears, kill me...if you can that is..." a silent pause as he knew I was seriously considering the possibility. He'd nod, "I'm a hero now, so you've got to not worry."

I was Reincarnated as an Ant! Vol.2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ