"Couldn't agree with you more." He replied with a laugh. "Ugh that platinum blonde hair that looks like he dunked it in a pool of peroxide and how painfully obvious it is that he got jaw surgery. He looks like if Barbie had sex with a fucking G.I. Joe."

"What happened to growing old gracefully?" Tanner chuckled. "I'm just glad we won't need to have much involvement with him, if any."

"Definitely not directly." DeMarcus nodded. "And that suits everyone just fine."

"The further the distance we keep from him, the better." Tanner agreed, bracing the plane for another shudder.

The cockpit door opened once again and in walked Emily, holding her tray with a styrofoam cup of coffee and a plastic lid on it.

"Here's your coffee, DeMarcus." Emily smiled, handing the First Officer his beverage.

"Thanks Emily." DeMarcus took the coffee cup and took a sip from it. "Mmm, that's excellent."

"Thank you very much." Emily nodded, jokingly bowing her head with respect for her First Officer. "Are you sure there's nothing I can get you, Tanner?"

"Nothing at all, thanks Emily." Tanner smiled over her shoulder at her head stewardess. She was more than grateful to receive one of those bright, soothing smiles back from her.

"Do you know how much longer we're gonna be stuck in this storm?" Emily asked the two pilots as DeMarcus took a cautious sip of his coffee.

"Maybe fifteen more minutes." Tanner replied as she checked the satellite navigation. "I don't think we've gotten through the worst of it yet."

"Shit." Emily sighed. "It's such a nuisance walking through the aisle in heels with all the bumping around. Plus some of the passengers are getting scared."

"There's no need for them to be scared." DeMarcus looked up at the head stewardess. "As always, this plane is in excellent hands. Tell them we'll put them down safely in Rio soon. We only have about an hour left at this altitude before our descent."

"Thanks DeMarcus." Emily nodded with another soft smile. "Also I don't mean to pry, but I heard you two talking earlier. Have you heard anything more about the Mac Harding partnership?"

"Too much for comfort." Tanner stated. "I don't like it one bit."

"Neither do I." DeMarcus replied.

"Why do you say that?" Emily queried, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Huge law firms like that from New York are only interested in partnership with big companies for one thing." Tanner explained. "It starts with 'M', its coat of arms is the dollar sign, and it always ends with someone getting fucked up the ass."

"Too true." Emily nodded, rolling her eyes but snorting at the colourful analogy.

"Lawyers don't know a goddamn thing about aviation." DeMarcus joined in. "They probably think 'the Wright brothers' was a law firm too."

"Good one Marc." Tanner snorted. "I just have a bad feeling about it, Emily. If something ain't broke, don't fix it."

"Do you think Boeing needs their funding or something?" Emily asked. "Are they in some kind of trouble?"

"It's hard to say." Tanner stated as the plane entered some more turbulence and started to shudder once again. She kept her eyes straight ahead and her hands firmly on the wheel, ready at a moment's notice to make adjustments should anything go a bit wrong during the storm. "We don't have much contact with the Boeing CEO. And the heads of giant companies in America have a tendency to be much too prideful for their own good. If Boeing's in financial trouble, Mr Morenburg will never admit it."

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