"Yeah, Aunt Jenny was nicer to her than you." I dryly argue. "She also shared more words." She took the time to find us while we were there and shared what she knew about the gossip of the family that didn't involve us with Kiara.

She takes a breath. "Noah," She tries. "What have we ever done to your or that little boy? We're his grandparents. We should at least be allowed to talk to him."

"Can't respect the mom, you don't get to see the kid." I reason with a shrug. "You know how you treat Alex? Like an actual person married to your daughter? Father of your granddaughter? That's how you should be treating Kiara." I decide with a nod Alex's way. Alex glances at me but says nothing. He rarely has anything to add during these kinds of talks unless it involves his wife or daughter. "Once you can treat her like she's not invisible, then you can see Cam as much as you want." I decide on a shrug. Kiara's already open to having them around him if he wants, little do they know. I just don't like the fact that my dad has never even said hi to her, and my mom only made small talk because she thought it meant she could see Cam.

"This is ridiculous." Mom dismisses. "We treat her like a person. You're holding nothing over our heads, Noah. And it's the most childish thing you can do. It's unacceptable for you to keep that boy from us because you don't feel like we make the right conversations with that woman."

I laugh to myself. "You can't even say her name, and you want me to let you around our son? Really?"

I glance at Alex when he silently stands up from the table. He doesn't say anything as he walks behind me to get to the other side of the table to Aaliyah and Elaina. Aaliyah's already getting the hint and lifting Elaina up out of her seat. Elaina beams as she's handed off to her dad, having finished all of her food except for the green beans which she doesn't like. She doesn't know what's going on now, and that's thanks to her dad who carries her out of the room without a word to the rest of us.

"Look what you did. You scared my husband away." Aaliyah narrows her eyes at me. I chuckle because I know I'm not the one who did it. My mom's about to explode, and he knew it. He acted prematurely so his kid wouldn't have to sit there and listen to it.

Before my mom decides to dig herself a hole that could possibly destroy the last bit of a relationship I've got with them, I speak up. "I don't want you anywhere near my son, I'll be honest." I admit boldly. Stupidly too. Her mouth opens, but I keep going. "But for some reason, he does. So, here's the deal." I take a deep breath, silently wondering if I really want to do this. I don't, but he wants me to. "Cam's birthday is Thursday. He's turning eight. Saturday, we're having a birthday party at that stupid restaurant with the playground and things Aaliyah used to love. He wants you two to be there."

He also wants Aunt Jenny and Katie there with my grandparents. I didn't realize he'd gotten so close to them. I knew he was becoming friends with Katie though, so I kind of expected them to be mentioned. My parents and grandparents are a different story though.

"He's eight?" Dad asks with a little smile. "What do boys like at that age these days? Is it still superhero's?"

"In this case, yeah." I let out a deep breath when I realize my mom is relaxing now that she knows she's invited to his birthday party. That's all she needs to be pacified. "He really likes Batman, so it's themed like that."

"Oh, wonderful. I was worried after seeing him with that unicorn." Mom touches her chest in relief.

"Okay, that is why I don't want you around him." I point out. She frowns at that. Dad awkwardly shrugs as he decides that's fair. "Nobody say shit about his unicorn to him unless it's a compliment on how pretty she is." I decide is a rule as I look around the table. Mostly at my parents since Aaliyah has never even mentioned Taffy.

A Missed OpportunityWhere stories live. Discover now