Yellow Paper Pleaser: Hello, water. How may I serve you?

Jaune picked up the yellow Paper Pleaser.

Jaune: Stop that... Ugh, I can't believe that almost happened. It's been ages since I missed the first fire.

Ruby: Do fires happen... often?

Jaune: Oh, everyday.

Team RWBY stiffened in shock.

Yang: What?!

Jaune: Oh, uh right, I guess, uh... introductions. These... are the Paper Pleasers. They're probably the most polite, most hospitable Afterans around. Because... that's their purpose.

A purple Paper Pleaser had a tray of drinks and offered Jaune one, but he declined with a hand motion, sighing.

Jaune: When Alyx left me to die, Juniper found help, brought me to the Paper Pleasers, who got me back on my feet. They work all day, not just serving travelers, but serving the land they live on too. They beautify it, make it a place of peace. Unfortunately, they're... a bit clumsy, but that also makes them predictable.

Jaune caught a Paper Pleaser being carried away by the wind.

Jaune: I told you to hold these.

He gave the Paper Pleaser rocks.

Green and Pink Paper Pleaser: Thank you, brave knight!

They ran off and Jaune chuckled.

Jaune: Classic Ren.

Weiss: You named them... after your teammates?

Jaune: No, I named them after everybody.

A red Paper Pleaser approached them.

Red Paper Pleaser: Hello! I am the one called Ruby. What are you?

Team RWBY looked on, horrified.

Yang: Hate that!

Jaune: Okay, the disastrous lighting of the morning lantern is dealt with.

He mounted Juniper.

Jaune: That gives us just enough time to strategize before the calming pebble tower crumbles, crushing the koi pond dam, and flooding the entire village! So I'm thinking... quick brunch?

Team RWBY looked at him with weird looks.

Little: I could eat!

Jaune laid out a map of the Ever After he made. All the acres were in hexagonal shapes, with the tree at the center. Some acres were labeled with words that Team RWBY has already explored, like "HUNTER MICE", "CRIMSON CASTLE", and "GARDEN", with some that have not been explored like "BLOB", "STINKY CHEESE", "GREEN CHAPEL", "SWAN LAKE", and "VOLCANO". One acre has a drawing of the Jabberwalker's head on it.

Jaune: My life's work.

Team RWBY looked over the map Jaune had made.

Jaune: Over the years, Juniper and I have been systematically exploring as many of the nearby acres as possible. If you think you've seen it all here, let me tell you... you haven't.

A purple Paper Pleaser set down a plate full of quiches. Little proceeded to grab one and eat away.

Blake: What exactly have you been looking for?

Jaune: Anyone or anything that might be able to take us back home.

Weiss: Okay... and, what have you found?

Jaune: Uh, so far? I mean, not much, but I got a really, really good feeling about this one acre we saw with a bunch of pyramids.

Yang raised her hand.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now