04 | disaster meeting

Start from the beginning

[name] | Speaking of having a shower though...

[name] | Now that I'm awake, I might as well have one

zen | early morning showers are the best lolol

zen | Enjoy!

You logged out of the chatroom after saying goodbye to Zen and you headed into the bathroom. It wasn't very big, but for a studio apartment it was a reasonable size, and there was plenty of counter space by the sink for your face products. You unloaded your duffel bag and shut the door behind you. Luckily, there were towels on the shelf, all of them unused and clean.

You turned on the shower, stripped out of your clothes and hopped in, allowing yourself to melt away all the dirt and grime from the previous day. It was soothing, and the shower head was unreal against your skin. It felt like a mini massage drumming patterns into your back.

You washed your face, your hair and your body, switched off the shower and wrapped a towel around your head. You slipped into some clean clothes, brushed your teeth, applied serum and moisturiser to your skin and then exited the bathroom. The steam rolled out behind you, and you stepped into the middle of the apartment where your eyes immediately landed on the blinking red light of the hidden camera.

Was Seven awake? Was he watching you?

Unsure, but not wanting to be rude, you gave a small wave in the cameras general direction before walking into the kitchen, where you planned to prepare something simple for breakfast. You had bought noodles the night before, but did you really want to eat noodles again? Not really. There were some granola bars too... they were more of a snack, but you supposed it would have to do until you could do a better shop later after college.

You were lucky in the sense that you didn't have to attend college in person. It was an online course, and it was very flexible. However, you had set hours for yourself to ensure you weren't slacking off, and you stuck to it closely. It was only Monday, meaning you were planning on spending at least four hours on research and assignments, and then you needed to participate in a zoom call with your tutor and tutor group for a class discussion.

Looking at the time, it was now only 7:15. That class call didn't start until 2:30, so you had plenty of time before then.

707 | Are you frozen?

You looked at your phone and couldn't help but smile at Seven's message. He was watching you again, just as you had thought.

You took a bite of your granola and poked your head into the main room, where you could see the camera angled at the doorway. If Seven had been watching, he would have seen a slip of your back and nothing more.

[name] | Yep

[name] | [name].exe has stopped working, please try again later

707 | Oh no!

707 | How do I reset you?!

[name] | you don't have the manual???

707 | There's a manual?!

707 | Fear not! SEVEN-OH-SEVEN will use his GOD BRAIN POWER to make [Name] work again!!!

You snorted in laughter and walked deeper into the room, now sitting down in the desk chair again. You refused to even consider Rika's bed anymore. If you had to suffer with a bad back out of respect (and the discomfort) of a dead girl, then so be it.

You flipped open your laptop and logged in, now bringing up the essay you had previously been working tirelessly on. The words were already blurring in your vision and making your head hurt, but this was due by the end of two weeks and you needed to finish the first draft. Even if it was messy and unreadable, something needed to be handed in, right? You'd at least get a passing mark for it. And maybe a reprimand from your tutor.

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