"To put it in the most simplest way I can, this deal is so bad that it has to be done on purpose. Her lawyer has an ulterior motive of some kind.." She explained.

"So you think she's trying to scam her basically." I asked as I sat up. "Basically. There is a weird disconnect between the evidence brought forward and this deal. As a lawyer she either hates your girlfriend or hates court.."

"Hm—I thought so. What do you think I should do? We don't know, why, so there isn't really any way to prove anything."

"You could get a private investigator and see what she's up to but I wouldn't approach her about it. How's does your girlfriend feel?"

"She's willing to pay whatever to make this go away but I'm just not okay with her doing that. She shouldn't have to.." I explained.

"Talk to her first and decide from there." He suggested causing me to nod. I thanked him for his help before ending the call.

I laid in bed trying to figure out what I was going to do before forcing myself to get up. I got myself ready for work and got in my car before deciding to call Kandi.

"Good morning, my love." I said as soon as the call connected. "If it were a good morning I would've woken up next to you." She whined.

"Don't be rude say it back." I said with a slight attitude. "Good morning baby. But my point still stands" She softened her voice as I placed my phone into my lap.

"Mmm—you're right but I'll see you later" I reminded her as I pulled out of the driveway.

"You better or I'm blowing your restaurant up."

"I'd rather my house. That could really hurt business." I replied, sarcastically.

"I know.." she replied followed by an evil laugh. I shook my head as I pulled out of my driveway and headed to work.

She started getting ready for her day and I just listened as I continued to drive. I wanted to wait until tonight to tell her what my lawyer told me. I wanted her to have a stress free day and not have to worry about anything until I was there to comfort her.

When I arrived to work I hung up with her and got started with my day. It was Sunday which was our busy day so I was anticipating a long and tiring day.


The door bell rung, just as I finished setting up our date-night activity. I wanted to surprise Tamika since she always does little things for me. She would leave work early in the morning and still try to cook for me.

She deserved to be pampered and feel appreciated as well. I stared at the set up making sure it was perfect before going to let her inside. I quickly told her to cover her eyes as I walked her towards my downstairs half-bath.

"What are you doing?" She laughed.

"I have a surprise but you have to get changed first.." I said before telling her to open her eyes. She did as I said before looking at me with a confused expression.

"Change into the clothes right there and then come into the dining room. Okay?" I pointed to the silk pajamas on the counter that matched mine.

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