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*Bucky pov*

Yn went to take a shower so I went downstairs to find Steve. Once I found him we went outside so we could talk.

S ~ what's up

B ~ she wants to move out.

S ~ what

B ~ she wants to move out of the compound and it just be us too.

S ~ does she want to stop being an avenger

B ~ no she just wants to move out.

S ~ she just started living here a month ago

B ~ I know but she wants to move out and have a family

S ~ what do you want

B ~ I wouldn't be mad if we moved out but the father thing scares me.

S ~ I'm sure you'll be a great dad. But isn't she rushing things. You guys haven't been together for that long have you

B ~ well I mean going on 6 years in 3 months.

S ~ oh shit

B ~ yea. She is the one I wanna spend my life with

S ~ so your serious about her

B ~ very

S ~ heave you thought about proposing

B ~ yes

S ~ why haven't you

B ~ because she wasn't ready and we were at hydra

S ~ here go get a ring and start planning the day.

B ~ I'm not doing it today

S ~ I know just go get a ring and start planning it. Do it on your anniversary

B ~ ok.

Bucky then leaves and Steve goes back inside

Y ~ have you seen my boyfriend

S ~ he went for a walk

Y ~ ok

P (the kid) ~ so miss yn

Y ~ yes peter

P ~ you said you got all of your tattoos at Hydra besides one correct

Y ~ yes why

P ~ how did you get them and which one wasn't at Hydra

Y ~ well the person that treated me like a Best friend did them and the one on my ankle.

P ~ who was that

Y ~ his name was strucker. He was the head guard and he was the one assigned to me

P ~ well he seems nice

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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