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Bucky puts yn on his back giving her a piggy back ride down the stairs to the landing. Yn sees all the people staring at her and she starts freaking out bucky tries to calm her down but it doesn't work so he sits her down and reassures her that everything is gonna be ok but she decides she isn't ready and for him to go get a drink instead of them both. Yn then goes back to the room and sits inside the bathroom freaking out.

*Bucky downstairs*

B to everyone ~ before you ask no she isn't ready yet to meet you guys just give her time. Yn has been through a lot and I only know a small percentage of it. I have only known her since I went to Hydra and that was when she was 17 and now she's 26.

T ~ what was she like at Hydra. Like can she fight if so how good.

B ~ well she is a super soldier like Steve and I but she also has red room training.

T ~ that answers that

B ~ that's not even half of it. She can be the sweetest person then turn admittedly if you mess with her. Like I've seen her mess up a guard's arm for just walking by and touching her cell. She's really strong and can be hidden in plain sight. Almost all of our missions she was the sniper I was just the distraction. She likes guns and knives but if she has to she will use her hands. It was to the point all of the guards were scared of her. Hell even Pierce was slightly scared of her but he did horrible things to her. But by saying that stuff you guys probably won't trust her and treat her like a bomb but she's just severely misunderstood. On the outside she may look scary but on the inside she has a big heart and is a huge softie.

W ~ I can agree. She told the guard on our first day that she wanted us on her floor and the guard wouldn't but she looked at him and he got us changed to her floor.

B ~ that's because she is deemed dangerous.

T ~ do you think she will be a part of the team.

B ~ that's up to her tony. She has to trust you guys first.

T ~ she hasn't met us so why doesn't she trust us

B ~ it's because everyone she has trusted has hurt her besides me

T ~ do you know if she has family

N(nat)~ she only has her uncle. But her uncle isn't a good person. He's Dreykov.

S(cap) ~ like the red room guy

B ~ yea but she hated him but I better get back to her

*Back upstairs*

Bucky opens the door and doesn't see you

B ~ yn doll you in here

No response. Bucky starts looking around his room and finally finds her. She was curled up in the corner overwhelmed.

B ~ oh hunny. What happened

Y ~ I got overwhelmed and couldn't do it I'm sorry.

B ~ doll it's ok. Here's your water do you wanna come to bed or do you want to stay here.

Y ~ the bed please.

Bucky picks her up and puts her on the bed. The yn lays her head on his lap. Bucky then plays with her hair then she falls asleep.

*Bucky pov*
I can't believe she's here. I can't believe I have her again. I thought I was gonna lose her. I thought I was never gonna see her long red hair again. She is so fragile right now. What happened to the yn that I knew before. Well I mean she is the same person but she just seems different. I don't wanna rush things again. I don't wanna hurt her. I hope she starts trusting people soon. I want her to meet them. Well at Least Sam and Steve.
*End of bucky pov*
Bucky then falls asleep and you both sleep in until the smell of pancakes wake you both up.

The winter soldier : His Everything Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя