escalated quickly

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⚠️tw. 18+ spicy⚠️

Waking up to the smell of pancakes and bacon bucky checks to see if you're awake which you are

B ~ do you want me to go down and get you breakfast or do you want to go down

Y ~ I'll try to

B ~ it's up to you

Y ~ I have to leave this room at some point. If something gets me to leave it'll be pancakes

B ~ ok doll

Bucky and you go downstairs after bucky puts on a shirt.

Y ~ why don't you go down shirtless

B ~ *putting on his shirt* because tony doesn't want me shirtless

Y ~ makes sense but do I have to put pants on even though the hoodie is long enough and I have shorts on

B ~ no you don't have to

Then you guys go downstairs and find tony, pepper, Morgan, Sam, Steve, nat, and the twins. Peter is still at his aunt's. As you guys walk into the kitchen pepper looks up from her phone and notices you.

P(pepper) ~ who's that behind bucky

T ~ hopefully the new avenger

S(Sam) ~ wait what

B ~ she is in the room and she does have a name.

T ~ I'm sorry that we were talking about her

W *shocked* ~ yn did bucky make you come down

Y ~ no

P(pepper) ~ nice to meet you yn. I'm pepper Tony's wife and this is Morgan *pointing at the little girl beside her*

M ~ hi miss yn. How do you know bucky

Y ~ he's my best friend but we met in a really bad place

Y *to bucky in Russian* ~ this is a lot of people. Are you sure their nice

B *to yn in Russian* ~ are you sure your ok and yes they are nice they won't hurt you.

T ~ um guys we don't speak Russian or whatever that is

B ~ it's Russian.

T ~ was it about us

B ~ no. But yn this is everyone. Everyone this is Yn.

S(Steve) ~ we already met but I'm Steve

S(Sam) ~ I'm Sam Bucky's other best friend

T ~ I'm tony

W & p ~ you already know us

You smile

N ~ I don't know if you remember me but I'm nat. We used to be in red room together

Y ~ I kinda remember you but at the same time I don't. I just remember us training together and I winning

N ~ yea you would always win you was the best fighter in the red room

Y ~ I'm sorry if I ever hurt you

T ~ well you guys better eat before the black hole over there eats it all *jestering to peitro*

Bucky then heads over to the stove with you right behind him. You guys then makes your plates and sit down at the table and start eating.

T ~ yn  earlier nat said you were the best in the red room is that correct

Y ~ I guess so why

T ~ are you up to showing us your skills. If she is who will she go up against.

N~ no offense yn but hell no

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