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When you guys arrive at the mall you meet up with Steve and nat.

N ~ come on yn let's go get you some clothes. The boys will be fine without us.

B ~ here's my card yn

N ~ we will meet back at the ice cream place ok?

The boys say yea and you guys go separate ways. While walking nat looks at your neck

N ~ oh my God yn is that what I think it is on your neck

Y ~ no it's nothing

N ~ mhm. If it isn't nothing then why does it look like a hickey

Y ~ ok ok because it is

N ~ oooo. Did bucky do it

Y ~ yes

N ~ Didn't know you guys were like that but is that what we heard when you guys were in the shower

Y ~ um you heard us??

N ~ yep but is it just a one night thing

Y ~ no. We've been together for 5 years

N ~ wow

You guys then go into Victoria's secret. You buy 5 sports bras (2 black, white, pink, and red). You also buy underwear (thongs and regular underwear). With the bras and underwear you buy some sexier bras and a strapless bra. Then you go to a shoe store and buy a pair of black combat boots, two pairs of high top converse in black and red, a pair of Nikes for running, two pairs of heels a black pair then a pair with red bottoms. After the shoe store you guys go and get you some pants (jeans, leggings, sweats and shorts) you guys then go into a store for shirts and hoodies. You buy 4 hoodies and like 20 shirts. You also buy some nicer outfits. You then meet back up with bucky and Steve.

S ~ that's a lot of stuff

B ~ I told her that she didn't have a limit.

Y ~ I hope I didn't go overboard

B ~ no you didn't.

Y ~ we should get food nat has been hangry for 30 minutes now.

N ~ yes let's get food

You guys all go get food and go home. When you guys go home you go upstairs and put away all of your stuff with nat.

*Downstairs with bucky and Steve*

S~ dude it looks like she spent a thousand dollars.

B ~ she only spent 500.

S ~ how do you know

B ~ Steve just drop it. She didn't have anything she only had the stuff she had at Hydra.

S ~ didn't think you would react that way but damn

Bucky then leaves the room and goes upstairs to you. Nat leaves you and Bucky alone.

Y ~ wanna see what I got

B ~ you don't have to show me everything but if you want to then you can.

Y (happily) ok

You show him everything and try everything on and he likes all of it especially the bras and underwear. You then hear a knock and Bucky looks a you as your just in bra and underwear so you dart to the bathroom while he gets the door.

T ~ are you guys decent

B ~ I am

T ~ what about her

B ~ she's in the bathroom

T ~ ok I'm coming in

B ~ what do you need stark

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