Chapter 1

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Book two of The Prodigy series.

The wind complimented the freezing temperatures nicely, causing gusts of white snowy flurries to dance in every which direction. It was winter break for Greenwood, the presence of life had dwindled dramatically as it always did this time of year. Most students were visiting their families, but some chose to stay and celebrate the holidays with their friends.

The frost covered windows threatened to shatter at any minute. The fireplaces and furnaces were working overtime in a desperate attempt to keep the cold at bay. It was Christmas Eve, Onyx's birthday. The scent  of hot chocolate and marshmallows filled the halls as the cooks made their famous Christmas brew, a recipe that had been passed down for centuries and had become a Greenwood tradition on the night before Christmas.

Kai was sitting in her reading chair watching as Dimitras and Onyx snuggled up to one another on the couch by the fireplace. She watched as Dimitras ran her finger through the young girl's short, wavy hair as she told her stories of her mother. Christmas had always been Kai's favorite time of year until Onyx was born. Now it was just a reminder of the dreaded deal they had made with Hades seventeen Junes before. She was growing up too fast, Kai thought to herself. Where did all the time go?

Onyx had turned eighteen this day. The same age and year Kai was when she first attended Greenwood. She thought back to Onyx's fifth birthday. Onyx was sitting in front of the fireplace as she scanned the presents that lay under the tree, scouting out her first victim. Kai and Dimitras had always allowed Onyx to open one present before bed on Christmas Eve as it was her birthday after all.

Her eyes caught a small round gift in the back, it was tucked behind the others. Kai smiled as she knew Onyx would find it first, it was what Onyx had asked them for all year. Onyx gasped as she reached for the gift. As she held it in her hands, she looked to Kai as if she needed to ask permission. She was always a good kid and knew her manners, Dimitras made sure of that.

Kai nodded and within seconds the wrapping was torn from the small, rounded golden case in her hands. The engraving on the outside read "Rocko Ranger," which was Onyxs' favorite character from her favorite TV show. Onyx opened the lid slowly as she wondered if this was real. Her eyes widened once they met the golden ranger's pin sitting on a red velvet cushion inside of the round case.

Onyx wore the pin every day for the next two years, but like the countless other toys and gifts she had received, she eventually out grew it. Being a ranger was no longer her dream. Toys from her favorite shows were soon replaced with video games and electronics. Kai wondered what Onyx dreamed of now. If her dreams were pure or if she was as troubled as she suspected.

Dimitras looked at Kai, drawing her back to reality. Kai felt a stray tear escape her and she quickly wiped it away and smiled at the woman. She stood and joined the two of them on the couch. She sat next to Dimitras and wrapped her arm around her shoulder then placed her hand on the woman's thigh. They sat and watched Onyxs' sleeping form as the fireplace crackled. Kai rested her head against Dimitras'.

"I'm not ready. She can't keep growing, you must have a spell in your book we can use, I'd do anything." Said Kai quietly.

Dimitras placed her hand gently upon the side of Kai's face. Her smile slowly fell as she knew there was no way out of their deal with dreadful goddess herself. On Onyx's twenty second birthday, they would have to surrender her to Hades. They figured that some time with her would be better than no time, but they didn't think about the crushing weight and crippling pain they would feel on a daily basis, knowing they would eventually lose their daughter.

They often wondered if the choice they made was the right one, if their decision was selfish, or if their decision had not only damned themselves, but damned Onyx as well. Yes, for the last eighteen years Kai and Dimitras were able to live together freely, without fear of being separated or harmed but at what cost? The deal they made had caused them more harm than good and often times caused tension in their relationship.

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