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Poppy sighed as she held Branch down with Viva's help.

They couldn't let Branch escape Rhonda until they were ready.

"Keep going, Tiny! I can hear their voices!" Poppy yelled.

Eventually, they slid to a stop in front of Velvet and Veneer.

Viva and Poppy let Branch go.

Branch stumbled out of Rhonda, he feels dizzy..

He looked at the giant blobs in front of him, "Velvet and Veneer!" He shouted.

"Give me...give..." Branch paused for a moment and Poppy ran beside him, resting her hand on his shoulders as Viva screamed.


The Mount Rageons stared at them.

Viva lifted Branch up so he was standing again, "It's okay, it's okay.." she cooed.

Branch stumbled his way over to Velvet and Veneer, climbing up Veneer who let it happen.

He made it to his shoulder and saw JD.

But JD's face changed..

"Papa.." he whimpered, hugging the diamond.

JD sighed, "It's okay, starlight..we're gonna be okay.." he whispered to his confused baby brother.

Veneer looked regretful as he sighed, taking out Bruce's diamond and freeing him.

He held Bruce up to his other shoulder, allowing him to gently pry Branch off of the diamond.

Bruce held Branch close as they were set on the ground, JD was quickly freed and sat next to them.

Veneer straightened up, forcing himself to look at everyone's horror.

He even didn't get the chance to speak when Velvet screamed at him, "IT'S LIKE I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO YOU ARE!"

Veneer sighed, "Yeah you do. Yet you tried to change me anyway! And that isn't okay.."

He smiled at Floyd a bit and Floyd smiled back.

They were both quickly hand cuffed by security, one of the security gaurds quickly freed Clay and Floyd who both ran over to Branch, Bruce, and JD.

They cuddled up to their brothers.

Floyd gently grabbed Branch's face, "Let me feel, angel, how warm are- OW! CUPCAKES WITH CHEESE THAT'S HOT!" He yelped, shaking his hand and looking at Branch with horror.

Branch giggled at him, "Mama, silly..."

He sighed, "Branch, I'm your brother, okay? We're all brothers!"

JD shook his head, "Floyd, he's too sick to see the difference, we need to bring his fever down as soon as we can."

Bruce nodded, "He ain't looking great, bro."

"He's too hot, if we don't bring it down soon it could become fatal." Clay said.

Floyd hugged Branch tighter.

They all hurried back into Rhonda, laying Branch on the couch.

Viva grabbed Tiny and put him in Poppy's hair, she slammed on the gas and quickly they were moving.

Floyd held Branch steady and kept him calm, speaking quietly when he would try and fuss.

JD was gathering everything they needed.

Bruce had a bucket on stand by.

Clay was cooling off a rag, placing it on Branch's forehead.

Floyd held down Branch's arms when he tried to take off the rag, "Branch, no, no. You need that, okay? Leave it there, angel.."

Branch kicked his feet and Clay pinned them down, "Sorry, baby bro."

Bruce rubbed Branch's belly, "Calm down, it's okay..JD, we need some water, please!"

JD tossed him a water bottle and Floyd sat Branch up.

Clay held Branch's hands and smiled at him.

"Take a drink, buddy." Bruce said.

Branch opened his mouth and Bruce poured a bit of water into his mouth.

Branch swallowed and relaxed, "Cold! Feels good!"

Bruce chuckled, "The cool water feels good?"

Branch nodded happily, grabbing the water bottle and taking a quick drink.

Branch coughed.

"Oh!" Floyd said, he quickly pat Branch's back, "Slower drinks, pal..."

He settled down and took a deep breath, taking another drink, but slower and smaller then it was.

Clay smiled, "Hey, Branch? Who's behind you?"

He tilted his head, then turned to look, "Flo Flo!" He cheered.

Floyd smiled, then put his hand against Branch's forehead.

"Well, he's cooling off a bit!"

JD walked over to them, "Is he coherent enough to take some medicine? I've got some for him, right here!"

Branch wrinkled his nose and looked at Bruce with pleading eyes.

Bruce chuckled, "He's able to take it, it's gonna be a struggle to convince him though..."

Clay laughed, "His face says it all!"

"Maybe we should wait a bit longer? Just so we can get him a bit more cool?" Floyd suggested.

Branch nodded and cuddled up to Floyd.

The older three laughed, "I guess we're going with Floyd's plan then!" JD chuckled.

Sick BranchWhere stories live. Discover now