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He walked over and sat next to Barb, "Hey, Dubstep? Wanna come cuddle me? I'm nice and cool so it should bring your fever down!" He said softly.

Branch glanced at him but cuddled up to Barb who huffed, "Mama..."

Synth quickly became concerned, "Branch, love.."

Barb sighed and stood up, setting Branch on the couch.

She did her best not to grab him again when he whined for her.

She pat him on the head and handed him a glass of water, "Stay with Synth, okay? He's a good guy!"

Branch sipped the water and his ears twitched at her words.

She smiled and left with Carol.

As soon as she was gone, Branch frowned.

Synth watched as his boyfriend teared up and his heart broke, "Oh no..."

Branch began to cry, where did mama go?!

Synth cautiously hugged Branch, "Hey, hey, darling...I'm right here, shhhh..."

Branch continued to cry but he allowed Synth to hug him, eventually cuddling up to him.

Synth held him gently and rocked him, "Deep breaths, my love, deep breaths...good..."

Branch gasped for air and hiccuped as he caught his breath, laying his head on Synth's shoulder.

Synth winced at the heat, no wonder poor Branch was so distraught!

He's burning up!

He stood up, holding Branch on his hip and leaving a note on the table for Barb, she could read it later.

It wasn't incredibly important information, but she did need to know it sooner rather then later.

He left the room with Branch, making his way towards pop village.

He sighed as Branch went limp, he poor boyfriend is so sick..

He kept walking, feeling the need to get back in the water, thankfully he saw Riff and Sid Fret.

"Guys! Guys, please take Branch back to pop village?" He asked.

Riff looked at Branch worriedly, "Is he okay, man?"

Synth nodded, "Sick." He said simply.

Sid Fret held out his arms to take Branch and Synth carefully handed him over, "Thanks guys, I'll be back as soon as I can!" He said as he ran off.

Sick BranchWhere stories live. Discover now