DJ Suki

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When Creek and Poppy asked her to take care of Branch, she was confused at first.

She had no idea that he was sick.

But when she explained her confusion, they quickly told her that he'd gotten sick and she agreed to watch him.

Though she was curious as to why they wished her good luck.

And some of the other members of the Snack Pack looked at her sympathetically.

She was a bit nervous when she walked in and saw Branch, laying on Poppy's bed, which confused her, he has his own room in the pod even though he normally sleeps in the bunker, so why is he laying on Poppy's bed?

DJ walked closer and sat on the edge of the bed, "Hey, Branch..I heard you don't feel well..but may I ask why you're laying in Poppy's bed?" She asked.

Branch glanced up at her and grabbed one of Poppy's pillows, holding it close, "Smells sissy.."

DJ smiled warmly as her heart melted, "It smells like sissy? You mean Poppy?"

Branch shook his head, "No...Vi.."

She tilted her head, "Vi?"

Branch nodded, "Vi.."

DJ thought for a moment then decided to ask Poppy and Creek about it later, it was obvious to her that Branch was missing someone and thought they smelled similar to Poppy.

She rubbed his back, "Well, later I'll go ask Poppy and Creek about that, for now, lets try and get you feeling better, okay?"

Branch nodded, "'Kay.."

DJ smiled again.

Sick BranchWhere stories live. Discover now