
81 6 4

TW: none
Words: 1376
Skysiblings fluff

Sorry this took so long to write but school has been really stressful lately


3rd person

Grian had been working on his base the entire day, and he was pretty tired and hungry. He finally decided to go back to his base in boatem, and try to make himself something to eat.

The hermit shoved the blocks he knew he wouldn't need in a random shulker box, and started flapping his wings to fly up. He was flying above the server, admiring all of the beautiful builds the other hermits have made this season. All of them we so talented. He wished he could be as good as them.

His wings were feeling a bit off. Maybe he needed to preen them? He wasn't sure when was the last time he preened his wings, so that's most likely why they feel weird. It doesn't matter, it's not like they are that much of a deal anyway.

Not long after flying, boatem came into view. As he was preparing to land, he saw Pearl and Mumbo talking outside. He decided to go say hi to them.

"Hey guys! What are you talking about??"

"Oh hi G! I was telling Pearl about redstone! Something you obviously wouldn't be able to  understand" Mumbo chuckles 

"Hey! It's not my fault! Redstone makes absolutely no sense" Grian tries to defend himself

"Maybe to you. Redstone was the easiest thing to learn for me" Mumbo replies

"By the way, Grian did you egg my base yesterday?" Pearl asks the avian

"No! It wasn't me, it was the man in the chicken costume!" 

"Sure it was" Pearl replies, with a grin on her face  (I'm not sure if the poultry man thing was only in season 6 but please pretend Grian kept doing it in the other seasons)

The three of them keep talking until Pearl notices that Grian's wings look like they need some preening, so she decided to ask him about it

"Hey Grian, when was the last time you preened your wings? They look quite messy. " 

"Now that you said it.. your wings do look messy!" Mumbo replies as he notices the feathers that look like they shouldn't be there

"Ohh.. those.. I haven't really taken care of them recently... but it's fine, I'm just gonna preen them later "

"And what does 'later' mean? Hours? Days? Weeks? Months?" Pearl asks crossing her arms

"Later as in... a few hours? I'm not sure, probably when I have some free time" Grian lies. He was free right now, but wasn't gonna preen his wings anytime soon, simply because he didn't really care about them. Although Grian did know he was a pretty bad liar so he wasn't sure if they were gonna buy it

"What if you do it now? What if we do it for you? I'm sure it'd be easier like that" Mumbo suggests

"If you really want to, I wouldn't want to be a bother-"

"Grian, of course you wouldn't bother us, and we would love to preen your wings for you"  Pearl replies

A buzz can be heard from Mumbo's communicator, so he checks the it and feels a slight bit of sadness

"I'm so sorry, guys, but Iskall just asked me to come help him with something."

"It's fine, you can go, maybe another time."

"Yeah, I'll leave now. Bye, Grian and Pearl!" He waves to them, and gets his elytra and rockets ready to fly.

"Bye Mumbo!" They both say in unison as the moustached man flies away, which leaves the two siblings alone

"Let's go to your base?"

"Yeah, the last one to get there is a rotten egg!" Grian yells, then starts running towards his base.

"You little-" Pearl cuts herself off, and starts running after the shorter hermit. She catches up to him pretty easily, but he had other plans in mind.

Grian flaps his parrot wings once, making him fly not too much above the ground, also giving him more speed. Pearl also had wings, but they were moth wings and they were very thin, so she couldn't fly with them. She could only float for a few seconds, but they could also be used for giving her a small boost of speed when needed.

Even though Pearl was close to Grian, the boy still managed to get to his house before his sister. 

"Haha, you're the rotten egg!" Grian chuckles as he goes to open the door for the two to enter

"It's not fair, you got a head-start!" Pearl enters the hermit's base, followed by Grian because he was holding the door open for her

"But I still won, so it counts" 

"Whatever" Pearl brushes it off, it was just the two of them being siblings

"Let's sit down on the couch, I still have to preen your wings, y'know?" Pearl starts heading towards the couch and sits down. She pats the spot next to her, signaling to Grian to sit next to her.

"Oh yeahhh, I forgot about that" Grian smiles and goes to sit down next to Pearl

He turns his back towards Pearl, letting her preen his wings easier. His wings looked really messy and they had a lot of feathers that looked like they shouldn't be where they are. 

Growing up, Pearl would always preen Grian's wings for him when they were young, but had to stop due to their parent's divorce and the two got separated. Pearl went to live with her dad, but Grian was left alone in Japan.

Pearl was carefully preening her brother's wings, taking out the feathers that looked like they shouldn't be there, interlocking feather barbules that have become separate and making sure the displaced feathers were where they were supposed to be.

As Pearl was preening his wings, they talked about the most random things ever, arguing if pineapple should go on pizza or not. Pearl said that pineapple should go on pizza because it just makes the taste better, but Grian disagreed with her.

After a while, Pearl was finally done preening Grian's parrot wings. Pearl was gonna leave, but noticed it was already dark outside.

"Ughhh it's already dark out!" Pearl groaned, she didn't want to go home in the dark, she wasn't scared but she just didn't like being alone outside when it's dark   

"If you want you can stay the night here, I don't mind. We can have a sleepover!" Grian excitedly exclaims 

"That actually would be pretty nice, thanks!"

"No problem! Now if you don't mind me I'm gonna go change into my pyjamas, it's already 11:37pm" 

"What about me? I don't have anything to change into"

"I think I might have some clothes that'll fit you, I'll go get them"

Grian went to his bedroom, and came out holding a pair of grey sweatpants and a blue sweater. He handed them to Pearl

"I have a lot of clothes that are too big for me, I think these should be good for you!"

"Thanks Griba!" She takes the clothes, and goes in a spare room to change

After both of them change, they talked for about 30 minutes, and somehow ended up having a pillow fight. When they calmed down, neither of them were tired.

"I'm sooooo boreddd" Grian groans

"Wanna watch a movie? I haven't seen one in forever" Pearl suggests

"Sure! You can pick out the movie I'll go make popcorn and bring some other snacks."

Grian left to the kitchen to make the popcorn and get some other snacks for them to eat. He put the popcorn in the microwave, and while that was making, he opened his cabinet to get a few snacks. He made a lot of popcorn, and put it in one big, large bowl.

While that was happening, Pearl grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, and started searching for a good movie. After some time, she decided they would watch a horror movie 

Grian came back with the snacks, but also some blankets. He put the food on the table that was in front of the couch, and the blankets on Pearl's left side. The hermit sat down next to her, and Pearl started the movie.

She loved horror movies, but her brother didn't. Whenever there was a jumpscare, Grian would hold Pearl tightly, and she would just chuckle at her little brother getting scared.

Halfway through the movie, Grian somehow fell asleep, and Pearl took one of the blankets and put it on the both of them.

When the movie ended, Pearl turned off the TV and fell asleep, cuddling with her brother.

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