Chapter 7: Prepare for the sports festival, a difficult race.

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Previously on Male Saiyan Reader X MHA. During the training exercise, we got to see Y/N's progress in teamwork. Not only that but Y/N's and Deku's friendship is getting stronger and stronger. During that time Hana keeps shipping Deku and Uraraka. Deku received the training he needed to handle One for All, but he still received the damage from using it. The students were supposed to have some training at the USJ until The League Of Villians attacked. Luckily Y/N made it to the battlefield and saved his friends. The power Y/N showed shocked everyone and now everyone was curious about Y/N's quirk. How will things turn out? find out...Now!


Deku was running away from a T-rex while carrying jars of milk.

Master Akira-Come on! Is that how fast you can go?!

Deku-This guy is crazy.

Y/N was catching up to Deku.

Y/N-Yeah well, at least you're not carrying weights that almost weigh a ton.

Deku-Hey where are Akira and Uzaki?

Y/N-Oh, Hana is trying to master some of her spells, and Taylor is training in the ocean.



A day passed after the USJ incident, The students learned the sports festival was still happening. This gets everyone's blood pumping, everyone has a different set of goals for the sports festival.

A few minutes later...

Deku and Y/N were lying on the ground panting.

Deku-Oh man, that was crazy.

Y/N-Well at least you had it easy. But hey it's another stepping stone to becoming a hero.


Y/N-Are you ok Deku?

Deku-Yeah, just a little nervous.

Y/N-Well don't be. Come on be excited for once. Because you'll be facing strong opponents, You'll learn new quirks, fighting styles, and strategies.

Deku-Yeah, I guess you're right. Ok but whatever we face, we give it out all.

Y/N-Ok, don't hold back on me ok?


Y/N-So same time after the sports festival?


Y/N-Flying Nimbus!!

The Flying Nimbus came flying from the skies.

Y/N and Deku flew to the skies.

A week later...

The sports festival has finally arrived. Everyone from UA was at the starting position.

Y/N thought-Ok after that talk in the prep room, Todoroki sounds on edge. Did something happen to him to act this way? I just need to keep my guard up.


With an instant, Todoroki used his ice quirk to freeze the ground, making it hard to run on. This really surprised everyone.

Little did he know Y/N was running by him.

Y/N thought-So that's what he was planning. Good thing he was not all that fast Taylor and Hana should be behind us like everyone else.

Bakugo-I ain't letting you get ahead that easy Icy-Hot!!!

Y/N-Holy cow he's fast.

Y/N was still keeping his pace, keeping his power under wraps including Taylor and Hana.

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