Chapter 5: Time skip is over, Its nice to see old friends again.

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          Previously on Male Saiyan Reader X MHA.
Y/N and his friends completed their mission to save Grandpa Akira and stop the demon king Piccolo. After the last chapter, everyone went their separate ways to get stronger and master their abilities. Y/N made a huge impact on the world of how powerful he is. Now let's see how things are right now!

Somewhere in the city...

Hana-Hm, she should be here.

Name: Hana Akira
Quirk: Magic

???-Hey Hana!

A girl came running to her.

Name: Taylor Uzaki
Quirk: unknown

Hana-Taylor, oh man it's good to see you again.

Taylor-Yeah same here. Oh my.


Taylor-Did you make you keep your hair short? Because you look even cuter than ever.

Hana-Oh thanks. You look completely different from 5-year-old you. I bet you've gotten strong.

Taylor-Yeah, but I still struggle to master my ability but I'll master it someday. Anyway, where's Y/N?

Hana-Oh Grandpa told me he should be here any minute now or he's heading to UA already.

Taylor-Oh ok then.

Hana-Let me guess you want to see him.

Taylor-What do you mean?

Hana-I don't know something flirting I bet.

Taylor-Nope don't know what you're talking about, it's just we're friends and we haven't seen each other.

Hana-Right, anyway I sensed his energy and it looks like he's almost at UA right now.

Taylor-What!? What are we waiting for!? Let's go!


Taylor quickly grabbed Hana's hand and dashed to the speed of sound.

Later at UA...

Y/N-Wow so this is what UA looks like.

Name: Son Y/N
Quirk: unknown

Someone bumped into Y/N.

???-Oh sorry.

Y/N turned to make a surprise look.

Y/N-Hey you're that kid.


Name: Izuku Midoriya
Quirk: One for All
Age: 15

Y/N-Your that kid that the other kid called Deku.

Deku-I don't-

Deku quickly remembered the kid who saved 4-year-old Izuku.


Y/N-Yep that's me.

Deku was beginning to cry but quickly wiped his tears.

Deku-I'm so happy you're ok. I saw the news where you fought Piccolo and how you defeated him. I was beginning to worry.

Y/N-Well you don't have to worry. After that happened I've been training non-stop til this day.

Deku-Wow I hope we can be in the same class.

Y/N-Yeah same here I can't wait to see what you got.


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