#2 - Lie, Lie, Lie

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Y/n's View

I put the code in and the door unlocks

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I put the code in and the door unlocks.

"How was your night out?" Max asks, as I walk in.

"I feel like I dug myself a deep hole that I can't climb out of." I say, clocking in.

"What?" Max asks.

"I met Hailee Steinfeld and she was interested in me. I'm assuming she's only interested because I'm supposedly successful. So I made up this entire lie about how I'm an investor so she'd still be interested." I say.

"Try not to overthink and make your life harder than it needs to be challenge: impossible." Max says.

I roll my eyes and Max laughs.

"You're early." Madison says coming down the hall.

"Mhm." I say.

"We've got a dog that needs its stomach pumped in room 5. Who wants it?" Madison says.

"Nose goes!" Max says.

Everyone puts their finger on their nose and Madison points at me.

"Your reaction time sucks." Max says.

"It's a 2 person job, so go help her." Madison says.

Max groans and I laugh.

Time Skip

"You fucking suck." I say.

"You gotta be cheating." Max says.

My phone rings and I grab it. I see a call from an unknown number and I answer it.

"Hello?" I ask.

"It won't make you any richer, but I was thinking you could invest into spending some time with me." They say.

"Haha, sure." I say.

"How about you pick me up at 7 and we go and get dinner?" Hailee asks.

"Of course." I say.

"Cool, I'll text you in a bit." She says.

"Alright, bye." I say.

"Bye." She says, before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Max asks.

"Hailee, she wants me to pick her up and get dinner." I say.

"Yeah, you're fucked." Max says.

"What?" I ask.

"You're an investor, right? You can't pick her up in a Chevy or Toyota. You gotta pick her up in something nice." Max says.

"So what do I do?" I ask.

"You gotta borrow one of your brother's cars." Max says.

I smile and nod.

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