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Their first date drawing to a close, Mabel set the bag of purchases on the desk, giving Dipper a chance to take her up in a huge bear hug from behind. Lovingly, her nuzzled the nape of her neck, the sensation causing her to giggle happily, followed by a satisfied hum of pure contentment.

As was a habit of his, Dipper lost himself in her intoxicating scent. The notes were not trademarked nor were they a high-priced synthesis of what a woman of means should smell like. Rather, it was a scent he had grown up seeking comfort in, through good times and bad. The aroma was comprised of their shared memories and adventures, extending over multiple years and infinite moments. It was the sun in the summer and the fog of the winter. There was laughter and heartache, anguish and triumph mixed in amongst her botanical conditioner and sporty antiperspirant. Whatever it was, he would follow it to the ends of the earth and gratefully wake up in sheets permanently saturated in it for the rest of his life.

Bringing her arms above and behind her, she brought his head around enough so their lips could meet. Cupping his face in her feminine hands, she felt the mild scruffiness that was coming in with greater regularity than it had the prior year. He was growing into his more developed and rugged self, and she treasured each of these features, while still loving the young soul she knew resided underneath, one that only she had seen every facet of, just as he had of her.

Turning around, she drew a fingertip along his jaw line, biting her lip in want as she did, and sent a shiver down his spine. Placing a hand on his chest, she trailed a gentle line of kisses up his neck before ending at his lips, planting with a soft, slow smooch that made him groan happily in desire. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her in close, and they gently swayed back and forth.

"I love you so much, Mabel."

"And I love you, Dipper," she mewed happily, feeling safe and secure in his embrace.

While the two could have slow-danced for an eternity, they also knew the bed would be more comfortable. Additionally, even though they felt their urges straddling the line between roaring and inferno, they also knew it was just a bit after eight o'clock, and there was a film to watch and a mountain of sugar to consume.

"Thoughts on a movie?" she asked while gingerly slipping from his embrace and making for the remote control, extinguishing the other lighting fixtures in the room while doing so.

"I have a feeling you wouldn't be up for something with explosions and Tokyo drifting?" he asked, referencing his guilty pleasure: the Fast and Furious series.

"If you can find a romantic comedy with explosions, certainly," she countered with a menacing cackle, making it known he was doomed and, if he wanted some closeness tonight, he would have to deal with a predictable storyline, typecast roles, and a syrupy sweet ending.

"Mabel, you pick out exactly what you want and I will watch it," he said stoically while taking off his shoes and getting comfortable on the bedspread. "But let it be known that I am going to be paying far greater attention to you than the screen."

"Fine by me," she mugged happily, while strolling over to the bag on the desk and plucking out the dessert course for the evening. With a bounce, she hopped onto the bed, cozied up next to her man, and began scrolling through the available options.

"Hmmm...we're going to watch..." she drew out, clicking down through the listings, until settling upon a flick she felt would satisfy her need for something kitschy without risking too much anguish from Dipper, "...'13 Going on 30'."

"All right," he acquiesced with a mirthful grimace that he knew would get a laugh out of his date.

"Look at that handsome face," she egged, reaching up to pinch his cheeks.

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