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Hello and welcome to my second work of Pinecest, 'No Sense'. As with the prior tale, I have taken the title from another of my favorite tunes, this one by the band Blankenberge. The story itself, however, it not connected to 'Leaving the House Where We Grew Up': new timeline, new setting, new realm.

The core theme, though, remains similar: what do you do when confronted with a forbidden love you know you cannot live without? Do you fight your heart's desires to follow the path society has laid out, or do you battle your mental wits and fight for the greatest love you'll ever know? This tale attempts to answer those inquiries, led by those two inimitable twins, Mabel and Dipper Pines.

If you read my prior effort, you'll find this one contains a bit more angst proportionally, with the remainder comprised of a nice balance of emotional and physical love. As before, everything is kept very genuine and loving in nature, as opposed to tawdry and shallow. That being said, if the topic of consenting consanguineous relationships is not your cup of tea, consider this fair warning that another of the many fine stories on AO3 might be more to your liking. While I will never approach their relationship in a tacky or cheap manner, it is passionate and their bond is replete with the same emotions that any vanilla partnership experiences.

I would like to dedicate this story to the wonderful Pinecest community, and especially Corny_Tyrannosaurus, who took the time to read through the draft and provide some wonderful feedback. Not only is he a wonderful author and artist, he's also the keeper of all things Pinecest and an all-around great guy. I highly recommend checking out his works if you're wanting more of the genre to sink your teeth into.

With that, I will leave you to reading. Thank you very much for checking this out and expect more from me in the future. The solace I find in this pairing, while certainly unconventional, touches my soul in a very real and therapeutic manner. If you can find some connection to the tale, I will consider my effort worthwhile.

Thank you again.

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