Dreamscape - Iwaizumi

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March 2013 - Day of Graduation

"Congratulations, graduates!" The Principal hailed her compliments, and we bowed in respect. Once she got off the podium, the students dispersed and huddled with their friends, each face adorned with pride.

Nostalgia danced in the air, and the auditorium echoed the laughter's and sniffles from tears of joy. I watched the exchange around me as friends hugged each other in tearful goodbyes, some playfully wrestled, and others hugged their diplomas close to their chests.

A tap on my shoulder woke me from my reverie, and to my side stood a smiling Tooru. I turned to face him with a slight arch on my brow. "Don't you dare do something that wouldn't make me happy," I warned.

He chuckled sheepishly, "Thanks for the many years, Iwa-chan. I couldn't have asked for a better best friend and a supportive partner on the court."

Tooru smiled sincerely and held out his hand for me to shake, which I accepted with a returned smile.

"Don't forget, I will defeat you one day," I replied with determination.

"I'd like to see you try."

I thought he would let go of my hand then, but he pulled me into a hug with his other arm.

His gesture was one of genuine care and a silent promise of continued support despite the thousand miles that would soon separate us.

I felt sadness bubble up inside me, and I had to relinquish the hug. "Don't you dare leave your snot on my uniform."

If I became sentimental now, Tooru would certainly tease me about it in the future.

"Can't you be a bit nicer today? Look at them!" Tooru pointed at a group of students behind me. "Even our dearest kouhais are here to celebrate with us."

He patted me on the back and let his arms dangle around my shoulders as he navigated us around the sea of graduates and toward our volleyball family.

"So Yahaba here said we 3rd years should treat the team for a goodbye lunch," Matsukawa said as we approached the group.

I nodded and tilted my head to the right, "Sure. The captain already said he is paying."

"Eek! When did I say that?!" Tooru let go of his clutch on me and gave me a dirty look.

"Since Oikawa is paying, we should do a dinner celebration too!" quipped Hanamaki.

"Ach! Aren't you guys a bit much?!"

"Then, it'll be my dinner treat!" Celeste interrupted with a sweet smile. My breath caught briefly at the way her eyes shone with genuine happiness.

"You're really the best Yanai-san." Kindaichi gave her a thumbs up.

Tooru snapped his fingers at the first year. "You have to praise me too since I'm the one treating for lunch!"

"You are the best, Oikawa-san." Kunimi replied quite robotically on behalf of his friend, and the rest of our team laughed at his sarcasm.

I observed each of their faces, engraving them in my memory. It had been quite the journey, and I was proud to have had such a wonderful group of friends.

Everyone engaged themselves in conversation, and out of the corner of my eye, Tooru and Celeste shared a secret joke and then giggled their hearts out. Their camaraderie always seemed effortless, and I couldn't help but envy their closeness.

They looked great together. Two rays of sunshine brought life around them, and I watched as the rest of our teammates huddled closer to the two, basking in the comfort of their warmth.

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