CH6 - Inter-High

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*3rd POV*

~~~June 2012

"Ce-chi, are you listening?" The brown-eyed boy moved his face closer to his phone's camera. "Hellooooo, earth to Ce-chi! Did the aliens abduct you?"

On the other side of the video call was Celeste, who had her back on the camera struggling with her crown braid. With a pin on her mouth, she could not form a response but instead turned around with a glare.

Tooru only laughed but a serious look soon replaced it. "I said, we won't lose against you. Don't expect us to go easy on your team of crows just because you are their manager."

After she pinned her hair in place, she looked directly at the camera. "Then give us your best shot, oh mighty Grand King." With a teasing smile, she added, "King vs. King. Who will sit on the throne today, I wonder?"

"The answer is already too obvious, princess." He winked at the girl, who in turn crunched her nose in pretend distaste. "Gross. You truly are a flirt."

"Oh, look, I'm already at his house." Tooru moved his phone away and knocked at the door. "Iwa-chaaaan!!Open up!"

The door was opened by an irritated green-eyed boy. "Dammit Noisykawa, it's only 6 AM. Shut it." Then came a smack behind Tooru's head.

"Can you smack him one more time for me?" An echo from Tooru's phone resounded. Once Hajime confirmed who spoke, a small sincere smile formed on his lips. "Morning Ce-chi."

"So you greet and smile at her but not with me?" Tooru pouted at his friend's disappearing figure. "Wah! Ignored. Whatever. Well, bye-bye then Ce-chi-chan. Bleh." The childish boy hung up and ran after his friend.


*Sendai Gymnasium*

Today's the 3rd round of Inter-High Preliminaries, and the battle between Karasuno and Seijoh is held in the morning, both teams vying to bear the title of 'Miyagi Representative.'

As much as Celeste did not want to be biased, she hoped her best friends would finally get a chance to achieve their dream of going to Nationals. Though that meant Karasuno had to lose, Seijoh's ticket to nationals was not guaranteed even then. After all, they still had to play against their fateful opponent, Shiratorizawa.

A slight tap on Celeste's shoulder interrupted her thoughts. "Yanai-san."

"Oh, it's you. Is there anything you need, Kageyama-kun?"

The blueberry-eyed boy rubbed the back of his neck shyly. "Do you think that if we won today's match, Iwaizumi-senpai and Oikawa-senpai would be more upset with you?"

The raven-haired girl pursed her lips in thought of the question. "I think they will be upset. Certainly not at me though." With a teasing smile, she added. "Hmm, but if they do lose, you'd be at fault since you're the one they played against."

Kageyama's mouth formed an 'o' then bit his lip in thought.

"I'm just kidding!" Celeste giggled, and the boy blushed at the sound of it. The girl quietly observed the setter as he faintly struggled to come up with words. Once he opened his mouth to speak, his eyes shone with determination.

"I want to go to National's too, so I don't want to lose either."

Celeste softly smiled, "But you see, every player and every team here want and don't want the same thing as you. It's not about whether you are the best player or if you play for a powerhouse team. In the end, whoever can keep the ball in play and drop it to the opposite side is the one going to National's."

Tobio furrowed his brows, unable to comprehend the girl's words. "Doesn't that mean you have to be the best to win?"

"Do you think you are the best?"

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