CH10 - Aiko

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3rd POV

"Mom?" Celeste breathed out in surprise.

"Well, hello." the woman uttered. "I see you've brought friends over."

"Aunty Asami." The boys bowed respectfully.

"My, how much you've both grown, little Hajime, little Tooru. Has Celeste been troublesome?" Both boys furrowed their eyebrows unsure of why she said such thing.

"What are you doing here?" Celeste spoke with such indignation it surprised her friends, but Asami only chuckled.

"Now, now, Celeste, that is not how you speak to your mother."

"My mother?" A mocking laugh escaped her lips. "I have not seen you for years, and you just show up in my apartment? How did you even get inside?"

"It's not uncommon for parents to have access to their child's apartment. You are still underage after all."

Celeste furrowed her brows. "You lost all your right on me once you signed those divorce papers 5 years ago." She then proceeded to open the front door. "If there is anything you want of me, you need to speak to my custodian. My father." She gestured at the door. "Please leave."

"I am leaving alright, but not without you."

"I am not going anywhere with you."


Celeste froze at the sound of her first name as fear crept up her spine. Many considered the girl fearless, but she still had a few things she was terrified of, one being her name.

Her own name.

The way it sounded when spoken out by her mother was full of venom. 'Aiko'. How spiteful.

Asama always said it as if the name held such burden, such pain and deep hatred, and poor Celeste never understood why.

"I will not repeat myself again."

She knew there'd be repercussions if she did not obey. Even so, she could not bring herself to abandon her best friends. Not when the prefecture play-offs were days away. This was their last chance at Nationals, and she needed to be there for them.

So, with a determined look, Celeste spoke without so much a blink.


Her mother raised her eyebrows and chuckled darkly. "It seems you've been blinded by too much freedom. The light will eventually burn you, Aiko."

She took one step towards Celeste, no longer bothered to even mask her sharp gaze. "You are coming with me whether you like it or not."

Before Celeste could respond, an old-aged, well-dressed gentleman appeared in the doorway.

The blue-eyed girl blinked in recognition of the man. "Majordome Alfred."

"Mademoiselle Céleste." Alfred acknowledged the young lady with a slight bow, then turned his attention to his patronne and bowed slightly lower. "Madame. My apologies for the delay. Nonetheless, all is in order."

"Then let's take our leave." Asami walked out the door and paused in front of the girl, not even bothering with the two men towering over her. "The flight won't wait for us, Aiko. I suggest you say your goodbyes now."

"I think you can manage without me, mother."

The middle-aged woman sighed and gestured at her steward. "Do tell her. I'll go on ahead, but don't keep me waiting." With that, she walked away, and the sound of her heels deafeningly echoed with each step.

*Tooru's POV*

"Mademoiselle Céleste." The elder man in full suit, who I assume was Celeste's moms butler, bowed lightly in front of her. "S'il te plaît écoute ta mère."

Écouter? Wasn't that 'listen' in French? I know 'mère' meant mother. So is he trying to convince her to listen to her mom and follow her to wherever it she is even taking her?

Celeste responded in fluent French. If it weren't for the displeasure in her voice, I would have found her accent endearing. She spoke it quite naturally like it was her native tongue. She is half French, after all.

I took a peek at Iwa-chan, who stood still beside me. His eyebrows twitched in concentration, mixed with worry. Just like me, he was puzzled at the situation.

We knew of Ce-chi's estrangement with her mother but not to an extent of hatred. It was a rare sight to see such strong emotion emanate from our best friend whom we've known for so long.

Perhaps hatred is too much of a word but for the lack of a better interpretation....

So many questions swirled in my head like a tornado. Why is Aunty Asami insistent on taking Ce-chi out of Japan in urgency? Why is our best friend angry upon seeing her?

I vividly remember how Ce-chi visibly flinched when she was called by her first name. Did something happen that she has not confided with us?

"Excuse me, sir." Iwa-chan's voice snapped me out of my reverie. He took a step in the middle of the butler and Ce-chi, whose little fist was shaking as she took deep breaths in an attempt to calm her frustrations.

I could not help but feel angry for her. There is clearly something going on, and we have no knowledge of it.

The butler bowed at us in apology and faced Ce-chi in what seemed like the last attempt to convince her.

He took a deep breath and continued to speak in French. Ce-chi's head snapped up once Aunt Eri's name was mentioned.

Worry crossed her angelic features, and that was when Iwa-chan looked at me inquiringly. I shook my head, an indication that I, too, could not comprehend the words that were exchanged.

Ce-chi suddenly faced us, but her eyes were directed at the floor. "I'm sorry, but I need to leave."

"Is everything alright?"
"Leave where?"

Iwa-chan and I mused at the same time.

Our best friend only shook her head. "I'll explain later, but for now, I need to leave."

There it was, the same aura she emanated when she had made up her mind.

Though futile, I said the first excuse I could think of. "You're leaving Japan now? What about the upcoming match?"

She bit her lips and said quietly, "I don't want to miss it either."

"Do you really have to go?" Iwa-chan asked gently. She only nodded meekly. "Then will you tell us why?"

"It's Aunt Eri. She's extremely ill and has been confined in the hospital for a while now."

Oh. But she seemed fine the last time we spoke to her, and Ce-chi's reaction showed that she was as surprised as us.

This was certainly news.

"I'm sorry."

A slight pang rose to my chest. Why is it that she always had to leave? 10 years ago and then now. Will we have to wait another 10 years before she returns again?

"I know this means I will miss your game, but I promise to make it up to both of you." She looked up at us with a hopeful expression.

I felt upset. This was our last game. How does she plan on making it up? But instead of voicing it out, I reached out a hand and ruffled her soft hair. I asked the same question as I had 10 years ago. "Promise you'll come back?"

Her captivating blue orbs stared at me, and it held a solemn oath. "I promise."


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