CH5 - Welcome, Assistant Manager Crow

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*Celeste's POV*

~~~April 2012

"Class, please take your seats. We have a new student I need to introduce to you. Please welcome Yanai Celeste." The homeroom teacher announced and gestured for me to enter the classroom.

With a smile already plastered on my face, I stepped inside.

"Hello everyone, pleased to make your acquaintance! I look forward to a wonderful semester with you all." I humbly bowed as everyone murmured their warm welcomes and hushed "a foreigner?" talks.

"Your assigned seat is beside Ennoshita Chikara." The Teacher's pointy finger landed on a black-haired male whose orbs were a dark shade of gray, sitting adjacent to a window. With a nod of thanks, I made my way towards him.

"Nice to meet you Yanai-san." The boy stood up from his seat and lightly bowed, to which I mirrored with a smile. "Likewise."

"I believe I am also your assigned tour guide. We can do that after school if it works with you." Chikara shyly added with a small smile.

"In that case, I'll be in your humble care, Ennoshita-san." I smiled and sat on my assigned seat.

It was already the 3rd day of the new school year. Had it been difficult to arrange the school transfer paperwork, it may have taken a week before I could attend classes in Karasuno.

After much debate between my aunt and best friends, we have all agreed I would stay here for the 1st semester and move to Seijoh once the summer ends.

I pondered on this for a moment. No doubt that Tooru and Hajime were still upset at my decision. After all, it was as if I moved schools for a stranger and chose him over them. But, as creepy as that sounded, it wasn't the reason.

This was an opportunity for me to improve my management skills without having to worry about specific expectations. In Karasuno, no one's aware of my family background, so I need not watch my every move, much less stress on achieving high bars set for me just because my father is a well-sought sports trainer or that my mother is a business tycoon. 

In here, I could run away from it all.

This semester will be a nice peaceful escape. I hope.


Classes went by terribly slow. The short breaks in between were not much of a break either. My classmates would crowd around my desk with unmasked curiosity and intrigue. I was bombarded with questions such as "are both of your parents' foreigners?", "how long have you been here?" Or sweet compliments like "your Japanese is fluent.", "your blue eyes are so pretty."

At the end of it, my cheeks hurt so much from grinning politely. It was incomparable to those smiles I had to plaster during a ballet performance. Not that I even minded the latter.

Before I knew it, the bell rang a signal that indicated the end of a school day and the start of club functions.

"Yanai-san? Are you ready to go?" Chikara inquired.

I looked up at the polite dark-haired boy. "Ready as can be." I grinned widely. Oh, my cheeks.

"Since we have toured the school building at lunch, I can show you the clubrooms now. Speaking of which, did you already decide on which club to join?"

"Oh, that. I have an interest in sports but prefer tiring people out vs. tiring myself." I giggled, and he laughed at my response.

"Like a sports manager or something?"

"Yup! Particularly, volleyball."

He stopped in his tracks and uttered in excitement. "That's perfect! I'm actually in the volleyball club. Does that mean you can play?"

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