Until That Time Comes - Oikawa

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*3rd POV*
Mid February 2013

"Due to the floods on the road, public transportations are temporarily suspended. Please prepare ahead of time. Should you nee...."

A lightning struck and the TV in the living room suddenly turned off. The whole apartment darkened shortly after. A slight sense of anxiety rose within Celeste but soon after, the electricity came back on and the girl sighed in relief.

Just as she was headed for her room, the doorbell to her apartment rang.

Who could be visiting her in the middle of a typhoon?

The doorbell rang again and a heavy knock came after. Celeste's heart raced rapidly but still calmly looked at the built-in camera tab screwed on the wall adjacent to the door. A tall man drenched in rain was standing anxiously across the other side.

The girl swiftly unlocked the door, worry evident on her face.


The male smiled at her sheepishly. "Can I come in?" Tooru's voice trembled with cold.

"What were you doing out in a bad storm?!?" Celeste pulled his best friend inside, pushed him to the bathroom and handed him two unused towels. "Alright, first, you need to change out of those wet clothes before you get sick."

Without saying anything else she walked out and closed the door. Minutes passed and the chocolate-eyed male strode to the kitchen, his decently muscular torso bare and only a towel wrapped below his hips.

Celeste's eyes widened, and a faint blush made its way to her soft cheeks. "Why aren't you wearing anything else?"

"You didn't give me dry clothes to wear."


Tooru chuckled, "I should still have some of my clothes here, right?"

Celeste meekly pointed at the wardrobe near the entrance hallway. He made his way to it to grab his clothes then returned to the bathroom to change.

A moment passed and the brown-haired lad quietly made his way back to the kitchen. He stared at the pre-occupied girl with a solemn look on his face.

Their time together was too short. She should have come back to Japan earlier. 

She shouldn't have left in the first place. 

Now, he is about to do the same, his flight to Argentina at the end of the month. He couldn't help but think of what could have been if only she never left for Australia.

After a hushed exhale, he spoke up in his signature sing-song voice.

"What're you making?"

Celeste jumped in surprise then narrowed her eyes. "Please don't sneak up on me like that."

"Wah, milkbread?! Can I help?"

"Sure. Since it's yours, you knead it then."

Tooru smiled brightly. Ecstatic that she was making him his favorite food. After washing his hands, he worked on the dough and soon after, it was ready for baking.

Once the oven timer was set up, he sat on the floor with his knees to his chest and watched the bread bake with childish interest.

Celeste observed Tooru quietly. She wanted to bombard him with questions. Why did he go out amidst a raging typhoon? Shouldnt he have called her at least? Does he still think of that kiss? What does he feel about her?

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