Browns extermination

Start from the beginning

And etc. but anyways Brown did have a feeling he was going to get left behind he just was trying his hardest to survive but he knew this was going to happen at Sunday that's one hour of the radio and then for the radios I should say they asked him what do you want to do now

Then he said you can go back to the alliance after that the radio said we're not going back then Titan radio woman said yeah she asked why because they only keep the best of the best cameras alive is a useful they get rid of you

We don't wanna work with people like that anymore then he says all right well what should we do they have tri-Titan we can't defeat them the radio said well one of them set one of them for his in a higher ranking he said that she's basically being controlled by something and we should get her free even if she doesn't help us that's fine

So after that they were making some sort of EMP Strong enough to Ashley disable a regular alliance member forever and it completely destroys your power but as for a titan it only that's for like 10 minutes as for the girl tri-Titan it will last for only 15 seconds So they flew where she was and shot a thing near her head electrocuting her circuits and she was down for the count for now standing up looking down with the lights off

Browns in and grab the thing off you right back out and there is five seconds left with white lights she felt like herself and she turned around and saw Brown with both of her fingers thumbs up after that she flew away to the sky her sisters were almost at earth as well

So anyways Brown looked up and said you're free now and I hope it stays that way from now on

So back at the alliance space they lost full control over the Titan they were saying about how this is really bad as they lost a big asset for the war in more ways than one

So brown was actually at another base and while
tri-Titan was flying her sisters screen and they're like radar or whatever and salsa towards that and send both sisters in like a few seconds later by their little or older sister probably older sister

Not only were they very hurt from the head but they were basically yelling at her and saying not to do that or her her to stop doing that and she says sorry about that it's just been so long since we've been controlled by the alliance

Then that's whenever she said yeah but how did you get out of their control then she said she had a little help from what seem to be a cameraman who knew what was going on although I'm curious of why he did it and the other sisters were curious as well so they started to fly down to earth

They flew right next to the warehouse where their homebase of operation is they were shocked to see that they were getting ready for a battle until they said hurt you we just wanted to say thanks for releasing our sister and that's whenever Brown showed up and he said no problem and then She asked them on why he released them because she is or they're still part of the alliance then they explained everything with brown and etc. they were actually mad as they didn't know the lions could get even lower like they knew about them leaving cameramen behind even though if there's titans near them they're strong all the attention they still leave them because of them being cowards

But then leaving their own men or people just because they think they're useless to the war is something unforgivable so them helping would be an understatement

Then that's whenever they came up with a plan of basically extermination although this actually happens way more often and there's actually this giant clock tower that was being built even though they don't like Clock people it's just it's not really a clock tower is morally of something that shows when's the next extermination is or perhaps it's in an app and phones or something like that

So while this was happening the radio was actually sent a message through a computer saying that they are leaving the alliance although many of them were very upset mainly because they were actually very useful in the war like they might've not been be the least useful but they were actually won they were still very useful to the war every alliance member and they could've use the hands or basically the arms in numbers

The main reason why brown Ashley did this whole extermination procedure loosely is because he doesn't want another camera or alliance member to be left behind again and because he wants them to be irreplaceable that's the main reason why he's doing this he's also doing the same thing with the toilets because they do the same thing with their robot toilets he wants to make sure they're irreplaceable and you can't replace them once they die basically it's that bad

So many ways during the war somewhere is random a radio man sharing this weird type of clothing and armor was holding a spear while one of the toilets were trying to kill a camera man toilet ahead the camera thought they left the alliance by one to sort of give us a thumbs up until the radio actually went and stabbed the camera Alice and the alliance members stop fighting while they just saw this happened then he turned around with a huge grin as they're using illusions to make themselves look somewhat human like a little bit

Then that's whenever the toilets and others were shocked at the scene that's whenever the toilets and others looked in the direction where the exterminator was looking they saw a tire and of them flying with actual wings after that they decided to run not knowing if they're a threat or not the toilets stopped fighting with the alliance but it was useless a lot of them started to get killed in just an hour each other alliance member side besides the TV man and computer men because they are you can just say so much cowards and there's a short number of them everyone lost about 10% of their army or their own race
While the TV and computer men lost 2%

The Titans how to go actually fight as they're a lot more powerful now it seems like but they're radio titan showed up with the tri-titans The Titans knew they might not even win this fight but they might be able to take down one of them so they all started to fight and obviously none of them really took any damage

And while the Titans were heavily damage although they were actually left alive although heavily damaged and it will take like a whole week or more with all their scientist just to repair them although the toilets actually decided to call a truce to take them down as do you like a lot of their own kind and they can't afford to lose more

What brown wanted was actually happening they can't afford to lose anymore so they try to save as many as they could he was smiling as his plan to work it might've been a horrible plan for his morality if he had any at this point in time but he wants them to appreciate their own there's reasons why he has a soft spot for plunger she actually cares

So by the end of the day 80% of both or all of the races except for the computers and tVs they lost like 30% or 50% of their kind or their race while the others took a major blow

They have like probably only a few hundred thousand left maybe a few 50,000 I don't know but they lost a lot they were wondering on why they did this but they had to make more cameras speakers and etc. for the war it forced them to Think of their allies as family members as they will most likely become even more rare as time passes with this whole extermination

So anyways brown who is doing his own thing this is in the future or in the future chapter and if it was any other camera man or alliance member he would've killed them on the spot but this was plunger and this is the only reason why she was allowed and because she cares for her people even if they're easily replace which is the reason why she was allowed in without being killed

And they started to talk like in Canaan and she started to say on how we can make this better but then everything with the song happened where he started to say you like on how your demise is forever and etc. not hell is forever something different

But plunger also had her camera on recording and he also explain that why he's doing this that the whole alliance and toilets don't respect or care about their own species or race as much amount of camera speakers Left behind because they were so easily replace so what did I do I would do something any normal camera man would've done make this whole extermination Just so you guys can finally learn to respect and treat your own race like they are the most important thing to you but plunger didn't say but this is your own race and living beings then he said oh yeah well sucks for you and he started to laugh showing no remorse and everything he's ever done she's shocked this is not the same Brown cameraman she once new

So yeah after the door closed as she knew it was hopeless from the very start but the alliance insisted to know why he did this after that happened they did realize that they did leave a mini cameramen behind and realizing he's doing this for their own good and because of their stupidity they're going to lose a lot more soldiers frequently randomly

And when her he revealed on who basically left him there they all looked at the ones who are men and they didn't blame her 100% they also blamed themselves as they could've possibly done something

But that's it for now

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