Chapter 23: Fragile Situations

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"How dare you?!" he raged as he squeezed his throat with his forearm.

The man struggled desperately, trying to stand up or escape his grip. Apus went on the attack before his brother finished choking. Sirius endured his bite and didn't let go of Antares, who had his claws embedded in his forearms, trying to rip his skin to free himself.

"Idiot," Antares said with great difficulty, "hit him." His voice almost didn't come out when he finished the word.

Sirius let out a short, savage roar of fury as he tightened his grip on his neck. Apus grabbed the door and hit him, managing to free Antares, but the man fell and didn't move anymore. I was shocked. I felt like I was shaking and tried to stand up.

Apus looked surprised and frightened at his brother lying on the ground, looked at Sirius, and snarled at him. Sirius was bleeding from the bites, the claw wounds, and the glass pieces on his back, but he was still ready to fight.

The man went on the attack, and I couldn't longer bear the anguish. He tried to punch him twice, but Sirius dodged as fast as usual and returned a heavy blow. Apus staggered to the side and spat blood. He turned to growl at Sirius, and I saw he was missing a fang. My husband smiled sinisterly, and Apus lunged again to attack him.

I had to resist the urge to want to bite my nails. These situations would always happen, in which his life would be at risk. And the worst thing was that I could not bear to see him fight, bleed, and scream in pain. I couldn't!

Apus grabbed his neck, but he dealt a blow as fast as ever, freeing himself. I could dream of a world in which there were no more fights, neither between humans nor evolved, and that we could live in peace, but maybe that day wouldn't come, not if Sirius was snatched from me one day...

Fury dominated Apus. He no longer seemed to calculate his movements well. Now, he really looked like a wild animal. Sirius gave him a strong scratch, throwing him to the ground. Apus crouched and lunged at him, and he used the force with which he came to throw him against the old car.

The sound was thunderous, and the few remaining windows smashed into pieces. Apus got up quickly, but Sirius grabbed the car door again and knocked him out, finally making him fall to the ground unconscious.

I ran to him; he was breathing hard. I was relieved that he had finally beaten them both.


"Don't do that again," he ordered, turning to look at me seriously, freezing me for a few seconds with those cold, feline eyes.

"What? I can't bear to see you get hurt!"

"Do you have any idea how fragile you are?"

I felt offended.

"I try to be strong, don't say that."

"You know what I mean. He could have killed you in a second."

"But he didn't, and I helped you!"

"I had it under control," he insisted, approaching to check my arm, which I was holding because of the pain from the blow.

"Not from my point of view!" I was still shaking, and he noticed it.

"Hey..." He looked back into my eyes with great concern. "It's okay." He sighed heavily. "I'm sorry that you had to go through this, but I'm relieved that he didn't hurt you, and we must go now, or they'll wake up."

"What are you saying? You are injured."

"I'm fine."

He went to get my backpack, and I reacted; I had already forgotten about its existence again. I was worried. He was still bleeding.

Cat Eyes: Sirius [Book 1]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ