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Dusk's P.O.V

I hear the morning howl that my pack does every morning. I look up to see all the wolves leaving the caves in our clearing. One wolf steps on my back, and snickers. I whimper, and get up. 'What a great start to this day', I think to myself. I walk out into the clearing, where our alpha, Storm, is assigning tasks.

"...Fawn, lead your hunters on a big hunting trip. Bring back as much prey as you can, we are running low right now, so anything will help." He barks. "Blaze, send a few of your Scouts to the top of the peak, to watch out for any rogues or loners. Then send another few to attend the hunters to warn then if any trouble." The lead hunter, Fawn, and the lead scout, Blaze, send off in different directions. Fawn heads towards me.

"Dusk, time to go on a hunting trip, and i'm gonna need you, you are one of my best hunters," she finishes with a smile. Fawn is a great wolf. She is not only kind, but she is also extremely loyal to her pack. I nod at her and start heading towards the entrance of the clearing, when I bump into a wolf.

I look up through my bangs, and I see the Lead attacker in our pack, Ember. "Move it, runt!" He growls. His packmates, Shadow and Night, come bye his side and glare at me. Ember smirks at me laying on the ground, weak and helpless. He then signals to his friends with a flick of his tail and they start to bite and scratch me. I whimper all through out the attacks, when suddenly Another two wolves ram into them.

"Dusk! Are you alright?" River, one of my best friends, asks me. "Ye-yeah, I think so. Thanks." She lets me kean on her shoulder slightly, and starts growling at the bullies, along with one of my other friends, Shade, who is one of the best Scouts in our pack. River is a great attacker, but not as good as Ember, Who was now smirking at the two wolves that had joined me.

"Well well, it looks like your friends have joined you runt. You're lucky I have tasks to do, other wise you and your friends would be running now." He snickers. I just glare at him till he and his friends leave for tasks.

"Thanks guys. I would be covered in scars if it wasn't for you." I say. "It's no biggy! We wont let those flea-bags lay a claw on you, dont worry." She promises. "I'm not so sure about that. I have a feeling this is going to happen a lot more."


Hi guys! Brand new story for you all! Hope you enjoyed and if you did, post a comment saying so! The wolves River and Shade are played by my best friends WOLFloverextream and MLPwarriorcatslover ! Go check them out! Kk, hope you enjoyed, bye!

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