Chapter VI/2 - To save the hero

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Saki, the strained young gal, would finally fall asleep after the heartening reunion between her and her mother, Nari, who kept vigil near her, comforting her when she would have nightmares so she would sleep more easily. The mother would finally get to sleep at 2 AM in her own ward after seeing her daughter having reached deep sleep. At 10 AM, she woke up, headed to Saki's ward, and concluded her daughter was still asleep. She then headed back to her ward to prepare breakfast for her.


- ... Eh?

Saki woke up. She found herself in her old room. Everything seemed in order inside, and even the door was intact.

- "... Am I in my old room now? ... That can't be right. Why did she bring me back?? And why doesn't my throat hurt? ... Well..., I have to ask her what happened. I hope everybody is doing fine out there. Damn, I'm also thirsty... Why can't I resist it? I should... But it keeps making my throat hurt..."

Saki hesitantly opened the door, leading to a small interlude to the master bedroom and the restroom on the first floor. She headed downstairs to the living room and the kitchen, where the main entrance was.

- "Is it morning already? ... Oh... 6 AM?" - the analog clock on the wall showed the time precisely as its duty.

Saki headed to the sink. She fetched a glass and filled it with cold water.

- "... It has a strange smell... Was there a pipe break earlier? Wait... No, it must be the chlorine. Strange..."

Saki drank the water.

- "Is Mom here, too?"

- Oh! Hey, Saki! Up already?

Nari appeared in the kitchen, too, but something was off. It seemed everything returned to the state it was in those old yet dark times.

- Mom! Why-!!!!!

Saki's father, Kabuto, who was supposed to be dead, was behind Nari, still animate. His stern yet slightly disgusted expression sitting on his fat face with her mother's menacing presence was enough for the poor girl to freeze in one place out of pure dread, unable to do anything, let alone scream.

- Kill her... - the deadbeat failure of their paterfamilias slowly said.

In under half a second, Nari pulled out a knife and cut her only daughter's throat. Her scarlet essence spoiled their fridge, table, and floor as she collapsed on the floor, unable to breathe and move. Only her eyes could move as she was choking on her blood, gaping at her angered parents while her scarlet fluid kept flowing into her lungs and out of her throat.

- Nari..., you're such a fucking fool, woman.

Kabuto attacked his wife. In the end, he forcefully stabbed a resisting and shocked Nari in the heart with the same knife and tossed her onto her daughter, who could scream now.

Saki found herself in her bed in Ward 2.12, belonging to her on behalf of Division C of the Valkyrian Medical and Research Association. She woke up from her recent nightmare, trying to scream out of her mind, but her sore throat didn't let her do so. She thought her throat was still cut from her dreary dream, making her choke. The glass dome of her bed had already slid into its place so the poor girl would fall off. The anti-fall barrier prevented her from suffering any lacerations.

While choking and coughing, Saki crawled into a corner and started hyperventilating, for she had a panic attack from her PTSD, given by her parents, and the nightmare. With her left hand, she was grasping her chest, while her eyes were full of fear and tears. She felt like someone was crushing her lungs with an anvil.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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