Chapter V/3 - The source of the avalanche

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Aleister was chatting with Saki in her room. It was her first therapy for real.

- So... How are you, Saki?

- I'm doing fine... for now... I still have nightmares, though...

- Oh, dear... Can you give me an example?

- About my parents... Hurting me, and even worse... When I wake up, I can still feel the pain in my body... Especially around my chest... It's... crushing my lungs...

- Poor thing... That's a symptom of a panic attack... "And she doesn't want to mention those degenerates..."

- I shouldn't have any of that...

- Yeah, we know... "Poor girl..." They're nothing but dreams. A maintaining function of the brain, but riddled with all that negative impact... Try to fight against it with lucid dreaming, where you're the boss.

- ... Alright... I'll try...

- As for your parents, your father's lies have led your mother astray, making her wreak havoc on you. That's a fact... I believe she found him out somehow... Or she realized the weight of her actions and acted afterward...

- I want to believe all that, too... Um... Aleister...

- Yes?

- Are we... Are we friends? For real?

- Of course, we are.

- I... I see... Thanks... That's off my chest, then...

- Anytime. Let us begin, shall we?

Saki nodded.

- I've analyzed your story, and... In a nutshell, it contained way more suffering than one may witness and bear in their entire life... I'm so sorry it ended up like this... I really am...

- Thanks, but... I still want to think I was the one who... acted like an idiot... - Saki said with a sadder tone.

- You weren't an idiot, Saki. I'm positive those bastards are at fault for taking advantage of you... That's one main reason I'd be obliged to help you through your problems, thus resolving them and making you feel more comfortable here.

- Really? Can you do anything for me?

- I'll always do my best... By doing "anything," you mean to exclude-

- Obviously!

- Alright... Just for reassurance-

- I know... You won't hurt me... And I can only be glad to you for sticking to your words. "So subtle... He's indeed treading lightly..." And revenge doesn't suit me, even if I'd like to think they deserve it... Deep down...

- That's completely natural, resenting them. After all, they hurt you. Yet I'm sure you know you're better than them. You'll always be. Do you know why?

- ... Why?

- They lacked one of the many simple things you already have. One key element missing from their mindset, which would allow those individuals to live a better life in quality, for example, would be empathy. The ability to share someone else's feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in that person's situation.

- Like... When I feel sorry about your past? And about the fact Lucius's sister got abducted?

- Exactly. You didn't realize it, but you were always a better person than those who dared lay a finger on you of their own will. And there's also self-awareness, honesty, kindness, benevolence, generosity, etc. If you recognize yourself in either of them, say so.

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