Chapter I - A divine intervention

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- ... Mommy... Mommy! Mommy!!

- ... Huh?

A lady woke up from her daydreaming. She was sitting on a bench in a beautiful park with Sakura trees. There was a little girl in front of her. The lady looked eerily like the ravaged girl in the toilet, only she was older and had shorter, brown-blackish hair. She wore a blue and white striped dress and showed no signs of external modification or being harmed. The little girl who addressed her as her mother was the exact image of her, only she was five years old. She had long hair and wore a blue hooded shirt with a pair of blue shorts. She was carrying a gray cat in her hands. A Charteaux-Ragdoll crossbreed, to be more precise.

- H...-Hana?

- Hey! You were spacing out.

- ... Oh...

- Are you alright? Does it hurt somewhere?

- No, I'm fine... You know... I was reminiscing about something that happened back then...

- A long time ago? - the little girl asked and sat next to her mother.

- Yes. Before you were born, Hana...

- Um... Was it something fun?

- No... It was a nightmare... You see... I hated myself back then...

- Why? What was the problem?

- Maybe because I didn't know how to take care of myself... I made a lot of mistakes... And by that, I was constantly getting hurt... I suffered and cried... a lot...

- Poor Mommy... Is that so?

- Yes...

- But everything's fine now. You needn't cry anymore.

- Yeah... Can you guess why?

- ... Why?

- Because YOU were there for me, Hana. When you were born, I felt like I was reborn as well. Without you, I couldn't have made a fresh start in life. And I'm eternally grateful for that, my sweet little girl.

- Awww... I love you, Mommy - they started snuggling.

- Me too, darling. Forever and always... I'm glad you're here with me... I really am glad... I'll always protect you, and I'll raise you right... This, I swear to my life - the woman said while hugging her daughter and kissing her forehead.

15 joyous seconds later:

- Mommy...

- Yes, dear?

- You know this world is... unreal, right?

- ... Eh? What are you talking about? Can't you smell the flowers?

Hana wasn't smiling anymore.

- What's wrong? Did you catch a cold? Are you tired? Should we head home? - she asked her daughter with the purest intention of caring about her. She raised her eyebrows at her daughter's questions.

- I died a long time ago... Crushed inside your womb... Just the wretched union of your subconscious and the drugs this world is... Along with me... - Hana said slowly with a blood-curdling seriousness.

The smile on the lady's face froze instantly.

- Hana... Why are you spouting nonsense all over the place? Did you hit your head? Are you feeling sick? What's the problem? Please, tell me... You know I can help you-

- Behold the truth... - Hana's last words, with that soul-piercing look akin to what her mother donned when she was younger, made the woman frightened. During this moment, the park disintegrated into Menelaus blue morphos, along with the little girl. The butterflies brought the lady to a different place by rushing and circling her. There was only blinding whiteness along with that one bench.

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