Sparkle Speckle Fairy Freckle

Start from the beginning

"Did somebody called?" The fairy doctor known as Felix asked until he noticed a certain half fairy child whose cheeks are sparkling. Chad was about to tell him about Sophie's problem but the doctor cut him off, "Wait. Wait don't tell me.... There's something wrong about the little girls cheeks." He said as everyone nodded for a yes rabidly, "I see. So how long has it been sparkling?" He asked, while he was examining Sophie's cheeks. "Just about a minute or so." Mira answered after the doctor is done examining Sophie's cheeks, he went to get his doctor bag to see if he can find an answer for the problem. "Aha! There it is, my chart." He grab the chart out of the back to see what causes Sophie's cheeks to sparkle. "Well what is it?" Natsumi asked wondering what causes Sophie's cheeks to sparkle, "You my dear have bunions." The doctor concluded, "huh?" The Celestial kids muttered while Mira and Chad arched their brows in confusion, the doctor looked at his chart again as his eyes widened. "Wait a minute. This is the wrong chart." He says as he throws his chart away while Stitch dodged, the fairy doctor went to his doctor bag to get the right chart.

"Here it is. Just as I thought. What you have is a case of the Sparkle Speckle Fairy Freckles." He concluded the case of Fairy illness, "The what!?" Everyone yelled in confusion while the doctor gives everyone a deadpanned expression, "the Sparkle Speckle Fairy Freckles! It happens to a lot of fairies, your freckles will sparkle and glow. And soon they'll fall off." He says explaining to Sophie, who gasped in horror. "Fall off!?" Sophie yelled out in panic. "Don't worry, Don't worry it doesn't hurt at all." Felix reassured her in order for her to calm down.

After all he is a fairy doctor, and doctors are there to help you either if they're human or not. "But-but I don't want to lose my freckles I love my freckles! They're what makes me 'me'!"Sophie said as she still has a panic expression on her face. "Okay. Don't panic." Sophie nodded for understanding as the doctor continued "There is a way to get them back. If you find the lost freckles. All of you just say the magic words. "Fricka Fraca Freckle Baca" Sophie got a confused look as well as the others, Stitch mostly. "Fricka Fraca Freckle Baca?" Sophie said like a question after saying the spell. "Hey, hey, hey! I told you all of you have to say the magic words." Felix exclaimed as everyone nodded in agreement.

Everyone stood still and took a deep breath and said "Fricka Fraca Freckle Baca" doctor Felix nodded for approval, "pretty good." He said making everyone smiled in relief, "well that's seems easy enough." Chad said making everyone minus Felix nodded in agreement, "I'm afraid not my boy. It's a lot harder than you think, fairy freckles like to hide. They're experts at camouflage." The doctor said making everyone's body tensed while Stitch had a confused expression, "Camou what?" Stitch asked not knowing what that word means, knowing that his left ear is up while his right ear is down like a bunny is when he or she is confused.

Luna can tell how confused Stitch is because she's known him forever. "Camouflage. It means when you blend in really well with the things around them so it's hard to see." She says as the Doctor nodded for agreement of her knowledge on the word camouflage, "That's right. And you gotta look for them really hard." The doctor warns them, "Now. I gotta get back to work and help a friend whose baby is about to be born right now." He says as he disappears to recommend a baby delivery. "I wonder how long will it will take until the freckles come off." Luna says while everyone else was thinking about that question when the freckles fly off Sophie's face.

"Not that long." Luna muttered herself while the fairy freckles are flying around the yard like flies. "My freckles!" Sophie shouted in panic, "here they go!" Chad exclaimed, as the freckles spread across the yard. "Oh no! I gotta get them back! I gotta get them back!" Sophie begged her friends for help while being scared. "I'll help!" Luna exclaimed while she and her friends spread out and catch her friend's fairy freckles.

Chad and Mira tried to catch it but the freckles dodged it and flew away, Luna and Stitch spotted one that is in the flower bed, "hey! Get back here!" Luna shouted trying to catch the fairy freckle. Sophie kept jumping to catch it but the fairy freckles keeps dodging, Natsumi, Hiro Keitaro, Hunter and Yoichi kept chasing around the freckles until they bumped into each other. "Aha! There you are. Freckle!" Luna tried to get the freckle but it keeps flying around her, "Come back here. Come back freckle!" Luna said as all the fair freckles vanished without a trace.

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