Chapter 15

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"We'll get everyone in a room and cleaned up while dinner is being prepared," Gandalf says.  A couple elves come out and take us to our rooms, and a lady elf comes beside me. 

"Can I help you to your room, Lady Dwarf?" she asks kindly. 

"Yes, thank you," I reply.  I'm led to a sunny room with a large, open balcony.  I lay a fresh, clean dress out, and even though I don't really wear dresses, I decide I'll put it on.  It's one of the ones I have for special occasions, and I've never worn it. 

"My, you're so thin and hairless," the elf remarks.  I am quite thin, and with my lack of facial hair and the fact that I'm the same height as Bilbo would suggest that I was indeed a hobbit.  At least hobbit women are shorter than me. 

"Yes, I suppose it's a blessing and a curse," I say, chuckling. 

The elf nods and holds her hands behind her back. 

"I will leave you to get changed.  The dining hall is just down the corridor." 

She leaves my room and I quickly clean the dirt and grime from my body.  It feels like I'm twenty pounds lighter.  I undo my braids and wash my hair, making it shiny and clean again.  My hair dries and I put it up again.  

My dress is blue with white layers on the skirt.  I pull on my boots and leave the room, reaching the dining hall in no time.

It's completely out in the open air, and it's the perfect temperature.  From the outside of the hall, I can hear the conversations going on and calm Elvish music, and I can see the dwarves sitting at the table. 

"Try it.  Just a mouthful," Nori says to Ori, who holds a salad leaf in his hand. 

"I don't like green food," Ori retorts. 

"Where's the meat?" Dwalin demads, looking through a salad bowl. 

"Have they got any chips?" Ori asks. 

I smirk and walk in.  As I do, Fili and Kili look over.  Their jaws drop and I blush as red as a tomato.

"Don't stare at me," I say, covering my face with my hands. 

Fili tries to form words, but ends up stuttering like an idiot. 

"What my brother is trying to say is come have a seat," Kili says, punching Fili. 

I sit down just as Elrond, Gandalf, Thorin, and Lindir walk in.  They go sit down at a seperate table, probably to discuss things.  Bilbo and Balin are gone as well.  

"I didn't expect you to be wearing a dress," Fili says finally. 

"You probably didn't expect me to be clean, either," I chuckle. 

"Oh come on, you can do better than that," Kili mutters. 

"You look very nice," Fili chokes. 

"Thank you," I reply, smiling. 

Fili grins and looks around at the food on the table. 

"There's nothing good here," he mutters. 

"I agree," Kili says. 

After a struggle trying to get them to eat something, they do with a lot of grumbling.  As soon as the meal is over, we begin to head back to our rooms.  As we walk, an elf stops us. 

"Lady Nossa, your presence has been requested by Mithrandir," he says.

"What for?" I ask. 

"He did not tell me.  He just requires your presense," the elf says. 

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