Chapter 41

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Fili turns to me and grabs my shoulders.

"If we're going to die tonight, I don't want you to die without knowing this."

Then he kisses me. I real life, legitimate kiss. My heart speeds up to ten times its normal speed, and I never want it to end.

We break apart, and he looks into my eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too," I reply breathlessly. I've been too scared of rejection to tell him earlier, but now there's no barrier.

"Come on, lovebirds! We need to get out of here!" Oin says.

Tauriel walks back into the house and starts packing up the children.

"We don't have much time. We need to evacuate the city."

"Not without our father," Bain growls.

"Come on, Kili," Fili says, helping his brother up.

"I'm fine. I can walk," Kili retorts. He still looks pale and exhausted, but at least he's not dying.

"If you stay here, your sisters will die," Tauriel says, looking at Bain. "Is that what your father would want?"

"Let's just get out of here before the dragon turns us into crisps," I say. Fili and I go to get the boat, and Kili limps after us with Bain. Tauriel takes the girls down, and Oin follows them with Bofur.

"Give me your hand," Fili says, helping Sigrid into the family boat.

"Quickly now," Bofur urges.

"Kili, come on!" Fili calls. I help Tilda into the boat and get in last.

Everyone is yelling and screaming in fear, and we watch the dragon as we sail out of the town.

Smaug dips down and sets a line of fire straight through the town. Sigrid and Tilda are crying, and Tauriel and I comfort them.

Flame touches down right behind us, and we all turn around in shock. People are screaming and a burning man jumps out of a window and into the river.

A boat filled with gold passes us, and I stare in horror as I discover that it's the Master.

"Look out!" Bofur yells as it collides with ours. We all jerk forward, but the ship with the gold continues on.

"That bastard!" I yell.

Coins fall into our ship as we pull away from them.

"Faster! Faster!" the Master yells.

We sail ahead of them, and bells start ringing. Warning bells.

Smaug is destroying everything. A sick feeling settles in my gut and heart.

"I'm sorry," I whisper as I watch the town burn.

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