Some Terrorist Organisation designated by Nepal which is still active

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1. Al Qaeda
2. Hamas
3. HLF(Himalayan Liberation Front)
4. IS(Islamic State)
5. Hezbollah
6. Houthis
7. ATO(Asian Taliban Organisation)
8. MNF(Mongol National Force)
9. KMP(Kazakh Mongol Party)
10. FCM(Free Ceylon Movement)
11. ABM(Akhanda Bharat Movement)
12. NSF(New Syrian Front)
13. NIP(New Iraqi Party)
14. GIMN(Greater Islamic Movement of Nepal)
15. GHP(Great Hinduism Party)
16. FILM(Free India League Movement)
17. LRA(Lord's Resistance Army)
18. CPN(Communist Party of Nepal)
19. Indian Mujahiddin
20. CPI(Communist Party of India)
21. SRON(Supreme Racist Organisation against Nepalese)
22. SROISL(Supreme Racist Organisation against Indians and Sri Lankans)
23. Bhutan Tiger Force
24. Red Party of Asia
25. Red Party of Europe
26. Red Party of America
27. Red Party of Africa
28. AROE(All Religion Organisation for Extremist)
29. Kashmiri Separatists Organisation
30. Khalistan Movement organisation
31. TIM(Tamil Independence Movement)
32. Japanese Red Army
33. Ceylon Communist Party
34. Thai Communist Party
35. Madhesh Force
36. Limbuwan Force
37. Indian Muslim Force

(Note: Some of them are state sponsor)

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