A Silent recollection of His memories/all I can see is red(season 1 pt.2 finale)

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3rd person
Alfie kneeled on the floor sobbing his eyes flooded with tears as they streamed down his face falling on on Zenitsu's face the Demons laughing manually as if they actually done something funny but all time stoped for a mere moment as Alfie remembered this isn't the first time he felt like this.
Alfie's pov (flash back time)
I remember that day that horrible forsaken day I wish never happened I was only 8 when this happened I was at home it'd been snowing around my house was a log cabin with a counter side in the kitchen a with a charcoal oven and wooden cups also some china plates with a small table for dinner just the three of us me, my mother and my father. 
There I was cleaning away the dishes yet again I go to collect my mothers at her bedside table as she smiles weakly at me I beam back brightly"oh my Alfie such helpful little one you are" my mother said she had brown hair like mine her eyes a darker blue then mine a gentle warm face like my own and a green kimono. My mum was laying in bed a lot as she had an illness we were waiting to hear from the doctor as he was making medicine to get rid of the illness hopefully walking back into the kitchen my father reading a letter "Alfie I'm going out your mothers medication came in" my father exclaimed in pure excitement my dad had blonde hair green eyes he was currently wearing a brown kimono as he put on his boots and grey Haori to go fetch the medicine.
"Alfie come to mummy for a sec"  My mother called me as I ran back to her room her eyes looking weak and weary as her breathing is heavier just feel panic prick my eyes and fear spread through my body "I need you to make a promise to mummy" she said I nod tears forming in my eyes I know I was young but I was far from stupid I had a feeling I knew what was next "be a brave boy look after your father become someone who is strong and kind someone people can depend upon look after yourself and grow into a fine young man make sure you find love with someone who loves you back just as much im sorry mummy loves you a lot but I'm gonna have to go for a little while but we will meet again" she says taking her last breath "mum" i say feeling tears flow through my eyes "please no I can't live with out you mummy no no no don't leave" I say crying out weeping out in desperation and choking on my own words as father walks in with a big smile only for him to enter the room and for it too drop me and father cried a lot that day after creating a burial saying our goodbyes that day I didn't know  how to feel or what to do with myself.
A few years later by the age of 10  my father had found a new girlfriend after a few months she had move in but little did my dad know she'd been abusing me he'd question my marks I'd tell him the truth but he didn't believe me . My father's girlfriend would kick me, slap me and even leaving a cut on the corner my eye but then one day my father walked in her attempting to scold me with hot water she'd been kicked out that night he wouldn't stop apologising to me for it hugging me and showing his affection to make up for it.
By the age of 13 I spent the night at my sisters house her hair ginger with greenish blue eyes and a purple kimono we ate breakfast before we left her house in the morning only for my sister to walk me home with my younger niece who was 7 at the time my sister walked the house first shoving me out but before she could I see my dad in a blood bath as he'd been eaten by a demon my sister comforted me later that day I cried again night after night barely slept at all at my sisters house knowing I'd lost another loved one. By the age of 14 I picked up martial arts quick also picking up the basics of swordsmanship I was walking home as I bumped into someone "hey watch where your goin" he shoved me then  I beat the living shit out of him that became a way of venting my anger beating everyone who'd be quick enough to pick a fight with me including adults my body always littered with bruises and marks it worried my sister sick she'd ask where they were from but I never told her.
I started building up my strength by lifting weights then moving some small boulders a little training with my katana training daily learning new techniques from Samaria whenever I saw them my training was intense sometimes causing me to vomit blood. One day Nevaeh my niece started to come with me to martial arts she kept coming with me and learning I even corrected her when we practiced together I even taught her swordsmanship basics. One night if was cold we were walking home together I was 15 nevaeh was 10 we were walking home seeing my sister on the floor with blood over the floor bites taken out of her with a boy with dark hair with blue ends his eyes also being blue his name was Muichiro he was the mist Hashira of the demon slayer core i told him my story and he offered to train me and things only got better from there...
Alfie POV end (Flash back ends)
Nevaeh pov
I was running up Mt.Natigumo pretty quick dashing through all the trees the small crescent moon above my demon side being as strong as it was with Kukoshibo I wonder why?
I ran up to a hanging up I spider looking demon came out "hey you there demon what you doin here wait why do you have kanji in both your eyes but from what I know upper ranks have numbers in his eyes unless your a demon who Muzan favours" he look disgusted from the thought of me being Muzan favours it makes me smirk a little "considering your demon I don't have to tell you anything" I say un-sheathing my katana infusing blood demon art into it struggling a little bit as I haven't trained with this yet dashing forward The spider demon figured out I'm a slayer and started spitting acid with all his spider human headed demons coming after me I dodge the acid and his minions.
I inhale jumping up rapidly so the demon couldn't react "moon breathing:heaven adaptation 10th form heavenly wailing moon" I do a somersault back flip creating a moon energy flow through my sword creating a spiralled crescent creating heavenly sound waves that I could only see with my left eye but I also cut his head off cleanly all demons were disoriented as the spider demon disintegrated as I went on ahead.
Running later I see countless cocoons as I see a female demon her early teens with a completely pale, milky-white skin complexion, snow white hair, and pure white eyes with only her silvery pupils separating them from her sclera. She also possesses several red dot-like patterns I point my blade at her realising slayers were in the cocoons as I see her feasting out of one before she could realise "moon breathing 1st form dark moon evening palace" I create a horizontal slash in a crescent shape cutting her head creating a few chaotic crescent blades also cutting her body her head falling to the floor and for her to disintegrate.
Sheathing my sword I see another demon with the kanji for lower moon 4 "a demon in the slayer core Muzan surely isnt gonna be frilled" he said drinking a vile of Muzan blood his veins pulsing.He had black hair with orange ends and blue eyes with markings on his head with a white button up shirt, with a white haori and dark bottoms.
"Blood demon art puppeteer: strings attached" before I could react I felt strings attaching I can't control my body I panic as I reach for my own sword and put it towards my neck then I feel my vision go dark.
Nevaeh's pov end
3rd person
Nevaehs clothing her uniform and haori turn a glowing white with a floating white sash above her as well as her left heavenly eye glowing a bright green "my name is Soku Jōyō the heavenly spirit of speed I've come to assist the one blessed by the heavens above I will vanquish any demons that attempt to cause Nevaeh harm" Nevaeh said as if she had become someone else her light energy cutting off the strings slightly burning the demon from the strings he sent "I don't care who or what you think you are you'll pay for them burns" Lower moon 4 snapped at her "blood demon art puppeteer: shadow puppet soldiers" Lower moon 4 said shooting out strings from his arms summoning 3 shadow puppets one was an archer one was a spear user the over one wielding a katana.
"Very well your demise it'll be" The heavenly spirit announced as the archer shot rapidly ten arrows the spirit quickly deflecting them all as the spear user charges towards her but The spirit speed flickers towards it with her blade covered in light energy the spirit inhaling through Nevaeh's body "heaven breathing 1st form heavenly impaling spears" the light energy forming a light spear on the end of Nevaeh's katana identifying openings expeditiously triple thrusting the shadow soldier in all openings strings retracting with the spear user dissipating the strings filled with light energy retracting and burning lower moon 4 yet again him flinching in pain.
Shadow arrows kept coming but The spirit manifested heaven light energy through Nevaeh's blade swiftly slashing through all of them them vanishing as then she appeared flickering behind the archer inhaling "heaven breathing 2nd form heaven light cross slash" the sundenly she created two horizontal light slashes crossing each other cutting through the shadow archer it disappeared as it burned lower moon 4 only one shadow puppet remained.
As The spirit dodged to the side as the puppet performed a mighty quick slash "heaven breathing 3rd form light quick draw god speed" light flowing through Neveahs blade as The spirit sped fourth going faster than the naked eye could see striking in a beam of light striking through lower moon 4's head him disintegrating faster than usual Nevaeh regaining her sight the light that formed around her left her body tears forming in her eyes "I did it thank you for watching over me mother" she cried passing out. (Even though Nevaeh is kinda like an upper moon when a spirit takes over it takes a lot of her demonic energy her demon power depends on the different faces of the moon eg. Half a moon, full moon and crescent moon.)
Alfie's POV
I feel my body vigorously shaking with anger imma kill these bastards. I see my crow "relay a message to Nevaeh three lower moons are on this mountain" I say as the crow tried to escape only to meet its death I inhale deeply causing my slayer mark to flare up I draw my katana with a looser grip causing it to turn a deep seated black as I flicker past lower moons 3 "oops did that hurt" I laugh maniacally at his demise Lower moon 3 disintegrating slowly a vile of blood flying towards Lower moon 2 I look him dead in the eyes your next fuck face "now where were we oh right let's get to the part where your head comes off" I say sarcastically "you think you can actually win" Lower moon 2 responds "if it means winning my life is a price I can pay" I watch as he drinks both vile's of blood I'm assuming was Muzan blood then he started throwing threads whipping them towards me.

I start flipping and dodging weaving my way around the threads they were coming down quicker then I could react even with the slayer mark he wasn't giving me a chance breathe my eyesight is going dark but then an opening appeared to breathe so I inhale blitzing through his threads as they all fly in the air like confetti as I get closer to his neck "blood demon art thread manipulation: murderous eye basket" red webs all weaved through his hands as see a cage of red webs form around me as they begin closing in I inhale "sun breathing 1st form dance" as I perform a vertical slash with the suns fire flowing through my blade slashing through the just about cutting the cage these red threads feel as they can cut through steal I have too make sure they don't make contact with me.
As I break out lower moon 2 jumps back sending more red threads my way I dodged the majority of them a few of them cutting me leaving cuts. Lower moon 2 started bending the threads making it harder for me to dodge so then I inhaled "sun breathing 4th form burning bones summers sun" creating a slash in a spiralling motion I created a spiral of sun flames cutting through the strings I made a tough choice of rapidly inhaling and going for the opening I see before me "sun breathing 11th form fake rainbow" performing a high speed twist reappearing behind Lower two leaving behind an after image cutting through it with threads he thought he had me. Sharply inhaling i hold my katana before his neck "sun breathing 6th form solar heat haze" my blade shrouded in heat masking my slash i create a fiery sun blue orange flame slash blowing through his neck as it falls too the floor and  he disintegrates i jump into trees rapidly cutting the threads freeing Tanjiro and his sister I as I get down to the ground falling to the floor my vision goes black but I can just abouts hear a voice "Alf are you ok" I hear a concerned Tanjiro as I feel him pick me up on his back....
Alfie's pov end
A/N: hope y'all enjoyed this 2 part finale a bit of a rollercoaster to write but that brings us to the end of season one the next chapter will be the hashira meeting and then I'll be doin a collab I also have a few other ideas I want to do slightly before the mugen train arc with that your author is signing out.

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