Author Note and Bio

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A/N: So to start, this is my first time writing anything like this, so I'm not too confident it's going to be good, but I've read a lot of fanfics on AO3, Fanfic, and Wattpad that I liked and wanted to try my hand at it once or twice. I decided to write a RWBY fanfic, or more specifically, a Jaune Arc fanfic, because I like Jaune. Though he started as a character that the audience could insert themselves into, he grew on me. Plus, it helps that he has such a vague background. He's malleable and easy to mold into whoever you want him to be. I've read too many fanfics about this guy—great ones, not-so-great ones, smutty ones, even just straight-up crack Fics—and I think it's finally time I write a Jaune to my specific liking. Now I know not everyone, or even a lot of people, are going to like how I make Jaune, but I hope that folks can at least enjoy the story.

With that tidbit out of the way, let's start talking about what type of character and abilities Jaune will possess.


Name: Jaune Loup D'Arc
In this AU, it's not "Arc" but "D'Arc." The D'Arc family is an ancient and heroic lineage dating back millennia and is very well known. (Some other characters' families will be famous warrior clans or the like.) So to hide his relationship to his roots while in Beacon, Jaune will go by "Jaune Andras."

* Charles Augustus D'Arc (Grandfather)  (The Great/Charlemagne)
* Nicholas Roland D'Arc (Father)  (Orlando)
* Artoria D'Arc né Pendragon (Mother) (The Storm Queen)
* Rouge
* Saffron
* Jade
* Opal and Lapis
* Amethyst
* Violet
    - Since Jaune is inspired by Joan of Arc, I wanted to keep the motif of being named after European legends with his parents as well. His granddad is named after the great French King Charles the Great, or Charlemagne, and his dad is named after one of Charlemagne's greatest Paladins — Roland. And his mother is, of course, King Arthur; that one is more in line with the Nasuverse depiction, specifically the Lancer Version. For his sisters, I decided to remain true to the color naming that the show established since it kind of makes sense. 

Love Interests/Pairings:
*undetermined, but possibly harem (I might leave it up to a vote)
- Pyrrha
- Ruby
- Weiss

* Augment: Can boost both his and other people's abilities, be it aura, semblance, or even their magic, on top of healing and augmenting physical capabilities. And due to his insanely high level of aura manipulation, he can be a lot more precise with this and enhance particular aspects such as the power his muscles exert, the durability of his skin, his speed of regeneration and recovery, stamina, heart rate, individual senses, spatial awareness, and even his sixth sense.

* Enhance (Branch Technique): Improve and refine both his body and the bodies of others by slowly but steadily boosting them for an extended period.

* Etherius Manipulation (Branch Technique): With endless hours of training, Jaune is now capable of manipulating the fundamental energy, Ether, and with it, can control almost anything.

* Insight (Secondary Mutation): Brain Augmentation, If he could boost his physical capabilities, then what about his mental ones? A brain is kind of like a muscle, too. With this method, he became sharper, smarter, more focused, and more intelligent. His learning ability skyrocketed, mastering what takes others years in only a few weeks, and the better he got at it, the faster the rate. He can deconstruct, copy, and improve someone else's fighting style as his own after only seeing it once. His speed and scale of perception, information processing, and overall cognitive ability saw a huge increase in performance, to the point that he can predict the future to a certain degree with high accuracy. He's forcibly opened up every node in his brain and has permanently altered how fast and efficiently his brain processes information. He now has a higher amount of strength as he's decreased his body's natural limiters and reinforced his body at the cellular level. (His abilities are similar to that of King Bradley's Ultimate Eye.) Coupled with his natural disposition towards strategy, war tactics, observation, and overall combat Jaune is now one of the most formidable close-quarters combatants on Remnant.

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