[03] Heterochromatic

Start from the beginning

["Don't be afraid. Like I said, I have no reason to hurt you. All you need to do is follow a few of my requests, and everything will be fine. You'll enjoy being a hero. It's a good thing. I promise."]

They were trying to pacify you but failing horribly. Don't be afraid, they kept on saying. It had apparently become their favorite catchphrase. Well, no shit you were afraid! You had no knowledge of yourself apart from your name, no relatives or long-time friends to turn to, and supposedly the only way you could regain your memories was to go along with everything this system dictated.

For now, you truly were helpless. But perhaps there was a way to break free of the system. Naturally, you hadn't the slightest clue how at this point in time, but if you were smart about it, you might be able to get them to let their guard down. And then, perhaps you could finally turn the tables in your favor.

But for now, you were just going to have to be patient. Act like a docile little puppy and go along with their requests. It could certainly be worse, you tried to reason. After all, they could be using you to go around murdering people and other crazy shit.

So, yeah. At least things weren't that bad.

["Penny for your thoughts?"]

"I'm fine," you recited robotically. You doubted you were being very convincing, but you could honestly care less. They couldn't seriously expect you to be thrilled about being at their complete and utter mercy.

["Hm. Alright. You weren't saying anything, so I was curious. You're obviously entitled to your privacy. Just as long as you don't forget what your goals are. Now, then. Are you going to tackle your daily quest, or focus on something else first?"]

You rolled up your sleeves. "I'll get started on the push-ups and see how many I can get through. Once I'm done, I'll take a trip to wherever the nearest mall is. I really need some new clothes. And a phone, so that I can stay in touch with Izuku."

["That sounds like a solid plan. Good luck."]

You didn't reply. Instead, you focused on pushing down on your arms and slowly lowering your body parallel to the ground.

"One," you counted aloud, furrowing your brows in concentration. You glanced up at the projection screen that was tracking your progress.

[DAILY TASK: 100 push-ups remaining.]

"Oh, come on!" you exclaimed. "What was wrong with the one I just did? Am I expected to have perfect form or something? Jeez."

You tried doing another push-up, and to your immense dismay, the number on the screen still didn't dip under 100.

["Lower yourself all the way. Come on, put some muscle into it. Let's see a real push-up."]

You audibly groaned.

"Goddammit. I'm going to be here all day at this rate."


One excruciating and needlessly long push-up session later-plus another shower and laundry cycle, because you weren't about to turn up to the mall like a stinky bitch-you were finally shopping for the essentials.

New clothes, an extensive list of hygienic supplies since your house was practically empty, and last but certainly not least, a phone. You had tons of stuff to get through, so it was probably a good thing you'd gotten your tedious daily task out of the way first. Even though your arms were sore as hell now.

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