PEGGY WAS AT the door with Steve's laundry. He told her that he could've done it himself, but she wouldn't hear of it. Insisting that since he was so close to his delivery date, he needed to be careful. After all, he didn't want to stress or strain himself.

"If you want to repay us, name the baby after us," Peggy teased, giving him a wink.

Testing the names, "Peggy Rogers. Daniel Rogers."

While they didn't sound terrible, he didn't know if he wanted to name his baby after someone that he knew. No matter how much he owed the pair for giving him the gift of being a father and taking care of him.

"You could always use Daniel's middle name," Peggy suggested, probably correctly assuming that Steve wasn't likely to choose either of their names. "It's gender neutral. Very chic."

Curious, "What is it?"


Again, it wasn't terrible. Steve just didn't see himself introducing his child as such. He was drawn to Rosemary and Mia and Leo and even Henry. He wasn't sure why, he just knew that he did. Maybe it had a little to do with Bucky. Just maybe. Not that he was trying to choose a name that his current partner liked. After all, he didn't want to be reminded of that partner if they left one day.

When Peggy sat down to start folding the laundry, Steve protested, "I can fold my own laundry, Pegs."

"No, no, no, I don't mind," Peggy argued. "And at thirty-seven weeks you need to rest. I already told you, I don't mind. It soothes me."

Steve took in a deep breath, ready to decline the offer once more, but Peggy spoke first. "Plus, now you can work on those Thank You cards you've been pushing off until the last minute."

Okay, she had him there. He had cards to fill out for the baby shower gifts and attendance. He also needed to pick out birth announcements for when his little one was here. He also needed to read the manual to the baby swing Uncle Arnie had given him.

"Fine," Steve sighed, sitting down once more. "But only because I have a lot to do."

"Good," Peggy folded a Bambi onesie. "And once I'm done here, I'll make you some lunch."

Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes but he was kind of hungry. Nevertheless, he got as comfortable as he could with a five pound baby trying to find space inside of Steve's small womb. With the sample announcements spread in front of him as well as a stack of thank you cards and his list of people he still needed to send them to.

In comfortable silence, the pair worked beside each other. A trashy reality show was on TV, but both omegas were only listening to the going-ons rather than watching it. Steve shook his head at a comment that one of the... c a s t  s a i d ...


Snoring so loud that he woke himself up, he noticed that the clothes were folded, the TV had been turned off, and he was alone in his apartment. Or, at least, he assumed that he was alone. He didn't see or hear or even scent Peggy. Not even when he rolled off the couch and made his way to the bathroom.

Once he was done relieving his mistreated bladder, Steve exited the guest bathroom. As he passed the linen closet, something was askew. Noticing that the closet door was open a crack, his brows furrowed. Figuring that Peggy had placed the clean towels in there and hadn't closed the door completely by accident, Steve headed to the kitchen for a snack. However, when headed down the hallway towards the front of the hall, he noticed that the chain was on the door. That was odd. How could the chain be on if Peggy went home?

Love Grows: Love Series 1 (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat