THE DIFFERENCE at Dr. Pierce's office was obvious and reassuring. The receptionists were kind, the nurses were personable, and the doctor, himself, made Steve feel like he and his baby were top priority. No wonder he delivers all the 'Society babies'. I'm not sure I'll want to see another doctor ever again!

Dr. Alexander Pierce was simply wonderful. A tall sun-kissed man with sandy-blond hair that was graciously going white around his temples. Steve had seen him before, but couldn't think where. Perhaps in one of those magazines he had featured in. Nonetheless, Dr. Pierce seemed knowledgeable and old-fashioned but in a comforting way like his dad or his paw paw.

"Please don't google your symptoms," Dr. Pierce said after Steve questioned how much nausea was normal. "Every pregnancy is different, and google will give you diagnoses that will keep you up at night and give you articles that describe what you're going to feel in the third week of the third month which are only going to worry you. No pregnancy was ever exactly like the ones written. And don't listen to your friends either. They'll have had experiences very different from yours and they'll be absolutely certain that their pregnancies were the normal ones and that yours is abnormal."

Steve nodded, "Dr. Cho prescribed some vitamins, should you send out the order now that I'm not seeing her?"

"No, no pills," he said. "Peggy fixes up herbal drinks. She's done it for a few other patients who live in her building and I'm sure she'll do so for you too. It'll be fresher, safer, and more vitamin-rich than any pill on the market. And another thing; don't be afraid to satisfy your cravings. If you want pickles on ice cream in the middle of the night, you go right ahead and eat it. You'll be surprised at some of the strange things your body will ask for in these next few months. And any questions you have, call me. Day or night. Call me, not your parents or your friends. That's what I'm here for. And I'd like to see you in a week."

"A week? Dr. Cho had me scheduled for four weeks."

"I'm not Dr. Cho," Dr. Pierce smirked, turning to his laptop so he could quickly add something to Steve's file. "And I'd like to see you weekly since this is your first baby. We want to make sure that everything goes smoothly. Stress is very bad for the baby as well as for the daddy. This'll give you more peace of mind. Now, any more questions?"

Worrying his lower lip, Steve racked his mind. When he couldn't come up with any, he shook his head.

"Well, if you do, don't forget to contact me," Dr. Pierce added, standing.

For a moment, the older man just stood there with one hand on the door. Steve continued to sit in the chair to the side of the examination table until the older man asked, "Shall we."

Once Steve was on his feet, Dr. Pierce opened the door and led the omega out to the reception desk. He informed the nice beta woman when he'd like to see Steve next and made sure that she worked around Steve's schedule. Then, he companionably patted Steve on his shoulder and left to see his next patient.

Everything was right and bright and lovely. Steve left the office feeling lighter than he had in a good while. Hodge was happy with his current roles and was looking forward to new ones every day. Steve itched to create something for his next art show. And little Arthur-or-Beatrice was getting bigger every day than they were the day before.

Feeling serene and with a skip in his step, Steve headed home to pick up his sketchpad and his watercolors. Before he left for the park, Steve checked out his reflection. Already there was a noticeable difference. He didn't have a bump just yet, but he looked fuller; all of his angles softened.

Opening the door, he paused. Coming face-to-face with Bucky whose hand was raised as though he had been planning to knock. Steve's brows were arched high on his forehead and Bucky's expression appeared to mirror his.

Love Grows: Love Series 1 (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)Where stories live. Discover now