THREE WEEKS LATER Steve watched as Hodge packed. As it turned out, Symbol of Courage was filming in California instead of Brooklyn, like they all originally thought. Not that it mattered to Hodge. Not that it mattered that much to Steve either. For a moment, Steve thought about packing all of Hodge's possessions and sending them to his new – currently temporary – address. But there was still a part of Steve that wanted them to work this out. A very tiny, itty bitty part, but still a part.

"'Ya sure you don't want to come with me?" Hodge asked, zipping his suitcase closed. He didn't look at Steve. In fact, he hadn't looked at Steve since their big argument. Sure, Steve knew that if there was anyone as stubborn as him, it was his husband, but it did seem a little ridiculous to not even look at him.

You don't stand a chance, Steve internally teased the now avocado-sized sixteen week old baby.

"Sun might do you some good," Hodge added, lifting his suitcase from their bed.

"I'd rather stay here," Steve said, hands on his more prominent bump, "Less smog."

"Right," Hodge nodded, gaze still down.

Steve wasn't sure if it was because of guilt for how he had acted, or if Hodge was just done with him too. Steve wasn't even sure which reason he preferred.

Scratching at the scar on the annex of his neck and shoulder, Steve followed Hodge down the hallway. It was a constant reminder of what was supposed to be a permanent bond. Steve didn't know if all mated couples went through rough patches like this, but it sure as hell had never been portrayed in any of the omroms like this. Did their honeymoon phase officially end? Or was it something else?

"Have a safe trip," Steve held himself. He hadn't touched Hodge in almost a month and he'd be damned if he made the first move due to an apparently outgrown habit.

Nodding, Hodge said, "Thanks," and then left. No well-wishes for Steve and their unborn baby. No hug or kiss to try and remedy the situation they were now in. Nothing. Absolutely nothing at all.

Guess it's really over.

Putting on the chain, Steve wondered, why aren't I falling apart?

Heading into the kitchen, Steve filled the tea kettle. Then, he crossed the hall towards the soon-to-be nursery. Little by little, Steve began moving his art pieces and the supplies he used to make them, out to the living room. After all, it wasn't like Hodge was home long enough to use any room except the living room and that was mostly just to sleep, and now he wouldn't be back for at least three months.

Thinking about it, Elias-or-Macy might show up before their father. And really, wasn't that something to think ab–

Knock, knock.

Hearing someone at the door, Steve wondered if it could be Hodge coming back to apologize. Or if it could be Hodge coming back because he forgot something.

Sighing, Steve made his way towards the front of the apartment. Standing on his tiptoes, he looked through the peephole. When he saw that it – thankfully – wasn't his husband, Steve unlocked and unchained the door.

Revealing a smiling Bucky with a tray of freshly baked cookies, "Hi."

"Hi," Steve's cheeks started to redden under the alpha's gaze and how pleasantly surprised he was to see him. Glancing to the kitchen where his water was boiling, Steve invited, "Would you like some tea?"

"That sounds wonderful," Bucky's grin grew, crinkling up to his steel-blue eyes.

Once Bucky was inside, Steve closed the door and gestured for him to enter the kitchen. Just in time too as the kettle started whistling. Steve reached for the tin of herbs Peggy sent over and asked, "Any particular tea? I think I've got just about anything and everything."

Love Grows: Love Series 1 (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)Where stories live. Discover now