CREAKING AND CRINKLING the parchment paper stuck to the back of Steve's bare thighs uncomfortably. Steve had always hated doctor offices. As a kid, he had been to too many as his once-preemie body fought every and all childhood illness out there in the hopes of surviving another day. Don't let that happen to them, Steve pleaded to the universe as he held his abdomen. I'm not as strong as Sarah Rogers.

"Well," Dr. Helen Cho reentered the room. A kind smile on her face, "Congratulations, you're having a baby."

Relief washed over him as he smiled down at his growing fetus. Congratulations, you're having a baby, Steve repeated to himself. That smile stayed on his face even as tears started spilling over the rim of his eyes. Sure, Steve knew that there was a good chance that he was pregnant – thirteen positive at home tests were less likely to all be false positives – but having a doctor confirm it? Well, that was the best news he had heard in a while.

Dr. Cho handed Steve a box of tissues and Steve accepted with a sniffled, "Thanks."

"Of course," she assured, sitting on a rolling stool. "Now," she started, looking at her laptop, "You should expect your little one August Seventh."

"That seems so far away," Steve sighed, keeping his hand on his abdomen.

"It'll go a lot faster than you think," Dr. Cho smiled, typing something into his visit's notes. Checking her watch, she stood from the stool, "I'd like to see you in four weeks."

"Oh, okay," Steve watched as she gathered her stuff. When she was half out the door, Steve said, "It was nice meeting you."

"You too," Dr. Cho called over her shoulder before shutting the door.

For a moment, Steve just sat there. He knew that Dr. Cho was a well sought after doctor and a beloved one at that, but he thought that she'd be more personable than that. Get to know him. Discuss birth plans and what he could expect. Yes, he read almost everything that he could get his hands on leading up to this appointment, but it was different coming from a doctor. Especially when all of this was brand new to Steve.

Quickly, Steve dressed and left the examination room. A little disoriented with how Dr. Cho barely spoke to him at all, Steve headed down the hallway. Four weeks, that was what she said. Practically the only thing she said.

Once the appointment was scheduled, Steve headed home, feeling... off. Deflated, even. It just wasn't what he was expecting his first appointment as a pregnant omega to be. Of course, he had probably skewed his ideas with stupid omroms that had everything as rainbows and sunshine. So, it was obvious that it wasn't going to be like that, but he had just built his hopes up too high. He probably just needed a nice relaxing ba–

"Hold the door!"

Pushing the button to hold the elevator doors open, Steve waited, patiently, for a heavily pregnant redheaded woman to join him. With her hands supporting her lower back, rubbing it, Steve asked, "What floor?"


Steve nodded in acknowledgement and let the doors close. They rode to the same floor in silence, but Steve didn't mind. He had a lot circling in his mind. Everything from Hodge's lack of excitement at the news to how Dr. Cho's office treated him like a no-name number in line at the bakery.

"Everything alright over there?"


"Your scent," she clarified, causing Steve to blush. She repeated, "Everything alright?"

Steve's gaze dropped to her protruding abdomen and how she soothingly rubbed her hand over it. Steve admitted, "Just emotional. All those baby hormones."

A knowing look flashed across her face, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she just nodded. And while Steve had been expecting her to try and get him to open up, he was grateful that she didn't. After all, he didn't even know this woman, and just because they were both pregnant, didn't mean they were in some kind of club.

Once they were at their floor, Steve let her exit first. As they turned to walk in their separate directions, the redhead called out, "Good luck, Steve."

Brows furrowing, Steve spun quickly around to look at her. "What?"

Rubbing her bump, she cocked her head to the side, "I said, 'good luck.'"

"I thought –" Steve shook his head, "Never mind. Thanks. And good luck to you too."

"Thanks," she smiled, turning back so she could continue down the hallway.

Steve stood there and watched her for a moment before turning and heading for his own apartment. As he entered his home, there was a creak and then a SLAM! Heart instantly racing, Steve stayed put by the door, in case he needed to make a quick escape.



Clearing his throat, he said louder, "HODGE?"

Nothing. Again.

Cautiously, Steve entered the kitchen since it was closest and grabbed a knife from the block by the stove. Holding it out in front of himself, he headed down the hallway. Peeking into the soon-to-be nursery, he found nothing. The living room on the left, he glanced around, again, finding nothing. With the bedroom on the right, he held his breath, expecting someone to be hiding in there, ready to harm him and his baby.

However, there wasn't anything there either. Not that it did anything to ease Steve's fears. He knew what he heard. He knew that someone had been in there. He just knew it! What else would make that noise?

Goosebumps broke across Steve's skin as he felt something to his left. Glancing in that direction, Steve looked to the closet at the end of the hall. It was definitely large enough for someone to hide in. Hell, it was big enough to hide a couple of people.

Blood running cold, Steve took a hesitant step towards the linen closet. There was a creak in the floorboards, and that caused Steve's stomach to flip. Every time that he heard that noise, that distinctive creak, did that mean that someone was walking the hall? Standing there, watching them? Watching him?

You're just being paranoid, Steve chastised himself, reaching for the doorknob.

Quickly, Steve threw the door open and found... nothing. Nothing at all. The vacuum and broom and mop were all where they usually were. The shelves still held the mismatched towels and extra bed linens. Everything was as it always was. Not that that comforted Steve. Instead, it reminded him of everything that could go wrong. How someone could've gotten him. Someone could've harmed him and the baby growing inside of him.

There were so many dangers to worry about in the months ahead; fires, falling objects, cars out of control; dangers that had never been dangers before but were dangers now, now that little Flynn-or-Macy was the size of an olive and were only going to get bigger.

Seven more good months, please, free of accident and illness, full of safety and sunshine.

Suddenly, he remembered the good luck charm, the ball of terrigen root; and foolish or not, wanted it – no, needed it – around his neck. He stepped into the bedroom, still cautious, before heading over to the bathroom. Pulling out the aluminum wrapped necklace, his nose wrinkled at the smell of the root. It was still strong, but no longer made him want to gag, so he slipped the chain over his head.

With the ball tickling his sternum, he placed his hands on his lower abdomen, shielding the embryo inside of him. You're just being paranoid. Steve soothed, scent marking himself. Everything is going to be alright. I won't let anything hurt you.

Love Grows: Love Series 1 (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)Where stories live. Discover now