#12 The strangest date and a package?

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Laying in bed for hours on end even after the incident with Signora, you stared blankly at the wall, drifting between sleep and wakefulness as you refused to acknowledge what had happened.

In between knocks from several Knights of Favonius and letters inquiring about your well-being, you lay in bed, unaware of how much time exactly had passed since you returned to the room.

You sat up after deciding that you'd waited long enough, not wanting to drag the pity party you were throwing yourself out any longer.

Getting out of bed, you hurriedly put your boots on, grabbing your catalyst and rushing out the door, ignoring a very surprised Lisa who was coming to see you on the way out of the Knights' headquarters.

“Where are you-”

You yelled over your shoulder at her. “I'll be back soon. Tell Jean for me!!” as soon as you vaulted over the balconies overlooking the gates of Mondstadt, you were snatched into a corner by a firm arm around your waist, your eyes meeting Diluc's curious ones.

“You could have tripped and sprained your ankle or fallen over and bruised your knee. Use the steps next time. Also where are you heading? Let me go with you, Aether is busy keeping Amber company over lunch.”

“How do you even.... You know what? Sure. Let's go. I'll be needing help either way. I'm-”

“I know you're looking for any remaining Harbingers, but she's gone. Only their envoys remain.” Rolling his eyes, Diluc guided you in the direction of the gates, flinching when you grabbed onto his hand, walking beside him.

Sighing, you gave him a side glance, your eyes trailing down to where he gently yet firmly clasped his hand around yours, keeping you close but not hurting you. “I just don't know why he didn't fight back..... He could've stopped her in a second and he chose to protect me instead.”

“I don't believe for a second that you thought he'd abandon you. Especially after you put your life on the line for him first.” The red haired man responded, keeping his eyes ahead of him as you both walked into the whispering woods.

“How did you-”

“The traveler told me what you did. That was very kind of you, but it was stupid. It wasn't bravery, but stupidity.” Diluc's words left a sting behind, but despite the bluntness, you were relieved someone had finally told you off. You weren't like Aether, you didn't know if you possessed any special abilities or resilience to anything else; you were just a regular vision bearer.

You shrugged and let out a small laugh. “Venti is a friend. What good would I be if I can't even protect my friends?”

Humming in response, Diluc nodded and let go of your hand, wandering towards the left side of the woods. “Wait here for a moment.”

You crossed your arms, watching him walk ahead into the woods, squinting as you tried to see where he was going, then sighing and giving up. “J-just hurry up, okay?”

Turning around after about twenty minutes when you heard light footfalls, you spotted Diluc holding a bunch of things in his hands, your eyebrows raised in curiosity.

A vial of slime concentrate, ley line branches, a few sharp arrow-heads and a bunch of small lamp grass.

“Diluc, what are those for...?” you asked as he came to a stop in front of you, his arms barely containing the items that looked so few from far away but now seemed like an unnecessary amount.

He gestured towards Cider lake, beckoning you to follow behind him with a slight tilt of his head, muttering a small “come”.

You followed closely behind him, kneeling by the edge of the lake as he let the items drop to the floor, forming a small pile. “You want to eat the flowers....?”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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