#9 I know you.....!

331 14 9

You had been extremely elated these past few days, going on to add nearly all the Mondstadt characters to your party, even the likes of Fischl - who was rather eccentric - didn't escape you.


“It’s Tuesday, so you know what that means, it's time for a sticky honey roast! Sticky honey roast, fresh out of the pan! It's just as sweet and savory as ever...! S-sticky.... Sticky honey roast...?”

You deflated like a balloon. No one was looking your way, despite the embarrassing maid headdress and apron you had on, despite the fact that you were screaming on the streets of Mondstadt, no one would look at you.

The few people who did simply smiled and told you they'd drop by Good Hunter later.

As if you were stupid enough to believe that.

Being short on mora wasn't a problem.

Being short on mora and having to hire Mona..... That was the problem. You weren't sure how it came to be that she always ran out of Mora, but you were often snatched into secluded corners by the hydro vision wielding witch, her gloved palm outstretched as though requesting mora in advance for bringing materials or doing usually anything you asked of her.

The past few weeks however had been very peaceful, so you weren't out and about. You had no means of getting mora besides this.

So you were going to work your butt off until you got a customer.

Looking across the square, you saw Timaeus reading a book by the crafting bench, your eyes widened as you realized that he could make an easy first target “Hey, Tom! Come over here and get a sticky honey roast! Tom! Sticky honey roast for just 10,000 mora!”

“It’s Timaeus.... Just reminding you because this is the second time and you keep-”

“I don't care what your name is, come here and eat your lunch!” you grit your teeth angrily, crossing your arms when he ran away.

“There’s no way I'm actually going to get that much mora, but if I-”

A soothing voice that seemed extremely familiar cut you off, its owner regarding you with a small smile.

Your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when you laid eyes on a dark haired man with spectacles and a white coat.

‘You..... where have I seen you before?’

You gave him a warm smile, directing him to a table in front of the outdoor restaurant before dashing over to the pan to glaze the pre cooked beef Eury had left out this morning.

Giving the strange man in a white coat a side eye, you looked back at the stove, focusing on pouring the sweet flower nectar over the large serving of roast beef when it clicked.

‘White coat.... Glasses with tassels on them and dark blue hair..... I know you, you're!-’

Your eyes widened as you took one last peek at him, only to find him observing you and you stiffened, turning back around to face the pan of food you were cooking but not before your eyes caught the silver and blue Fatui insignia that was pinned to the breast pocket of his coat and instantly your blood ran cold.

‘What the actual hell is Pantalone doing in Mondstadt??!’

You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down and return your posture to its relaxed state as you placed the order on a plate and walked over to him, leveling your breathing and putting your brightest smile on.

“O-one sticky honey roast, ready! Would you like some apple cider to go with that?”

You mentally cursed yourself for stuttering, willing your shoulders to loosen as you tried to make your smile seem like less of a grimace, realizing just how much more imposing his presence was since you were much closer to him.

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