#5 Fuzzy Elemental Guys

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It was another day and you were ready to go out and rack up more characters, you were glad it had been going so smoothly, aware you might hit some difficulty with people like Fischl and Diluc.

"More like little miss play pretend forever and daddy Diluc. Fuck this, really. Why are Mondstadt characters so hard to impress? If I were in Liyue right now, all I had to do was call Zhongli Morax, eat a Jueyun chili in front of Xiangling and Yelan, then kill someone for Hu Tao to bury"

Fastening your vision to your waist by a small ribbon, you tucked your widsith away and having nothing more to do, you left your room, knocking on Kaeya's door and asking him to help you find Pyro and Hydro abyss mages so you could upgrade your catalyst with the enemy drops.

You both left the knights hq at sunrise, splitting a large sticky honey roast at Good Hunter before venturing into the mountains in search of abyss mages.

When the sun was at it's peak in the sky, you rested in the shade of several trees, your next target in the area several meters ahead as Kaeya made snowflakes and dropped them down your neck, the cold making you sigh in relief, the heat in the environment nearly making you crazy.

"I can't handle Sumeru or Natlan if Mondstadt is this hot. Kaeya, have you rested up?"

Stretching a hand out to you, the dark skinned man pulled you to your feet, a hearty chuckle leaving him when you groaned about how much your heels hurt, his thumb rubbing over the back of your hand in comfort.

"It'll only be a while longer, don't worry. We'll go right back to Mondstadt, okay?"

Sighing, you pulled your hand from his grasp and started to walk ahead, not wanting to dawdle any longer.

"Then, let's get going. Why are you all the way back there Cavalry Capt-"

"OoOoOOh" you jumped at the sound of the abyss mage's voice, the rest of it's language incoherent nonsense to you as you deployed starfell crystals around Kaeya, boosting his combat abilities.


"Cool it!" he snarked at the cryo abyss mage, a burst of cryo leaving the edge of his sword.

Wait...... Cryo Abyss mage??!

You barely had a second to dodge the ice shard it flung your way, Kaeya picking you up bridal style as he let a shield come up and cover you both, the navy haired man taking off into the whispering woods and away from the Abyss mage, hoping to get far away enough to send you ahead.

Putting you down, he shoved you aside as he stepped in a puddle, an ice shard stabbing him in the shoulder.


"Sweetheart, it's just an ice shard. I'm quite alright, just go back to Mondstadt and get Amber to help. Hurry before I lose too much blood" 

Dodging another ice shard, he swung his cryo imbued sword at the shielded creature, drawing it's attention away from you and giving you the chance to leave. 

You got to your feet and paused before turning around "No, I have a better idea. Kaeya back away for a second and trust me"

You catwalked right between the abyss mage and Kaeya, dodging the ice shard it sent your way and running for one of the bonfires at it's camp.

Quickly ridding yourself of one of your thigh highs, you set it on fire and dropped it on the grass just as the Khaenri'ahn creature appeared right above the flames, it's shield cracking and shattering and somehow, just as quick, Kaeya had zoomed past you and cut it's head clean off, it's body vaporising and leaving behind an old ley line branch.

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